Wednesday 12-14-11

15 Responses

  1. Jeff Milk


    I found this WOD on the Reebok One website. It may be on interest to you. I may try it this week.


    “Snatch Complex”

    Snatch Grip Deadlift x 1
    Snatch Pull x 1
    Power Snatch x 1
    Overhead Squat x 1
    Squat Snatch x 1

    x 8 rounds (Choose your weight) (Rest 90sec. between rounds)

  2. Arianna

    Thanks for my awesome CFRC Christmas photo!(although one very awesome coach was missing). It made my day to get that in the mail and I posted it at work so I can see it everyday 🙂 I appreciate you guys so much!!!

  3. Sonya – #75 shoulder press 308 (step ups)
    Paul -#245 616rx
    Nick C – #235 538rx
    Binley #105 276rx
    Margie – #100 216rx
    Toni – #100 123rx
    Brittani #60 216rx
    Jeff – #165 610rx

  4. Peyton – #155/454rx
    Milk – 579rx
    Jon M – #185/201 (ghd)
    Jeremy – #235/541rx
    Rob G – #205/289rx
    Cathy – #125/409rx
    Adrianne – #95/209rx
    Firefighter Luis C – #275/483rx
    Autumn – #130/363rx
    Luis C – #185/185rx
    Jon S – #255/199rx

    and there was an appearance from bdong 🙂

  5. 3:30
    Jana V 65# 502 (su)
    Randi 165# 632 RX
    Melissa 95# 510 RX
    Carrie 95# 475rx
    Clorinda #95 130rx
    Dan R #225 387rx
    Crysti #130 781 (su)
    Dave A – 671rx
    Jesse #75 319 (su)
    Cecy #135 261rx
    Cheryl #120 223rx
    SHuttles #135 285rx
    Nirav #155 737 (su)
    Joe B #185 758 (su)
    MF Jesse #165 130rx

  6. Coach Dave A

    530 Class

    Ernesto 368rx
    Mike V. 573rx
    Ami 95# 219rx
    Jackie 85# 420 (singles)
    Schwaby 205# 659rx
    Johnny G. 205# 347rx
    John M. 307rx
    Josh H. 365# 619rx
    Kaleb 245# 227rx
    Ali 175# 268rx
    Sean ???rx+ (GHD)
    Jon P. 466rx+ (ghd,gas mask)