David.J 16:34 rx (run) 175# snatch
anna s. 18:38 rx (run) 85# snatch
robert g. 19:39 row #125 snatch
Corey 23:50 row practice snatch
Mel 24:4 knees, 85# snatch
Raymond 24:48 sit ups
Nick A 24:10 95 snatch
Dan 25:30 Knee PU 75# snatch
Erin 23:26rx
trevor w 25min. 155 snatch
Krystal 26:50 400m run situp & pushupX25
bryanb 105lbs snatch 31:05
Janae 31.20 4 rounds on knees
phillip 23:59
Bob K Run 16:40
Gaby 17:56 rx run
Dee 19:58RX
Edwin 21:51rx 95# snatch
Gerry 22:51 rx
Stephany B run 19:36
Tine 33:42 knee
Rachel R- 400run 23:53
Josh H – 15:35rx
Nathan S – 26:20 (20 knee pu)
Elizabeth – 80# 26:16 (knee)
Ron 23:38 run knee
to all my zone/paleo challengers….today’s workout does NOT count for your rowing meters 🙂 They have to be done in your spare time! 🙂
Mikey:) 20:52rx
Jamie 23:31 reg pu and knee pu
Brit 23:41 reg pu and knee pu
Maria 24:16 4 rds rx last rd some knee pu
Ana 24:20 reg pu and knee pu
Great job guys!
Chris 23:52 (run)
Susan 24:34 (run, sub pu/good mornings 15#)
Tanya 22:22 rx
Toni 24:22 (knee)
Robin 24:14 (knee) GREAT FORM!!!
Nate 21:35 rx
Dominic 22:00 rx
Frank 23:45 rx
Marguarite 27:45 (knee) Awesome Job today:)
Pari 28:04 (knee)
Brett 20:54 rx
Margie 23:52 (knee)
Everyone snatched today. If you remember what you got please log it:)
Thank you!!!!
Great display of dedication Melissa! !
Britney 45# 25:00 (knee)
Joyce 35# 26:09 (knee)
Jesse 55# 23:03 (knee)
Aimee 65# 25:10 (knee)
Joe 95# 22:48 rx
Kaleb 125# 27:49 rx
Ailee 45# 28:14 (knee)
Mrs. Pera 261# 26:48 (knee)
Mrs. Pera that’s one heavy snatch!!!!
josh p. Me: Snatch 165#, WOD: Time 15:06 w/run
Scott 16:54 with run By-in #135
Mike J: 20:47rx
Matt F: snatch 135# WOD: 19:41rx
drew : 26:43 rx
Cheryl: 27:23 rx #65
Jana V: 24:37 #40
JoeJoe: 28:21
Jesse V: 30:45rx 135#
David.J 16:34 rx (run) 175# snatch
anna s. 18:38 rx (run) 85# snatch
robert g. 19:39 row #125 snatch
Corey 23:50 row practice snatch
Mel 24:4 knees, 85# snatch
Raymond 24:48 sit ups
Nick A 24:10 95 snatch
Dan 25:30 Knee PU 75# snatch
Erin 23:26rx
trevor w 25min. 155 snatch
Krystal 26:50 400m run situp & pushupX25
bryanb 105lbs snatch 31:05
Janae 31.20 4 rounds on knees
phillip 23:59
Mark T 4rounds 23:30
Monica 35# 25:49 knees
Kristine 35# 26:20 knees
Nate L: 27:42 Rx
Abel 21:22 Rx
rique 24:56rx #185pr full snatch
Dustin – 27:08 #135 Snatch
JODIE 22:05 RX
Bob K Run 16:40
Gaby 17:56 rx run
Dee 19:58RX
Edwin 21:51rx 95# snatch
Gerry 22:51 rx
Stephany B run 19:36
Tine 33:42 knee
Rachel R- 400run 23:53
Josh H – 15:35rx
Nathan S – 26:20 (20 knee pu)
Elizabeth – 80# 26:16 (knee)
Ron 23:38 run knee
Todd Porter: 19:23RX #185 Squat Snatch
Cliff: 19:39 RX #155 Squat Snatch
Cecy 28:32 rx (extra round)
Sagie 27:24 knee push up 65lbs snatch
Robin 28:16 knee push ups 45lbs snatch
Brian 29:35 95lbs snatch
Thanks guys!
snatch: 85# (sloppy)