Saturday 02-08-14

6 Responses

  1. Aubrey Garay

    A. Partner WOD with Jess
    2rds + 4reps on 4th set @ 65# (working on form)
    B. 30 MU progression on blue band. The 30 dips on red band.
    C. 5k

  2. Yadie

    First time doing Edge!
    Partner WOD with Iliana
    2 rounds + completed set 4
    30 mu progressions grn band + 30 ring dips red band
    3200m row

  3. A.) did with birthday girl
    One full ladder of 5 and then got to set 2 on round 2 rx:)
    B.) a big middle finger
    C.) ran a loop plus a mile