Friday 03-30-12

10 Responses

  1. 2 options for sub mu’s this morning
    #1 Double reps w/strict pull up (ex. 9 mu=18 strict)
    #2 9 Strict pull ups and 9 ring dips

    Tanya 1:55 rx 11:56 (120#!!, strict green)
    Autumn 2:02 rx 11:53 (95#,ring dips/strict red)
    Monica 2:06 rx 7:28 (45#,strict green)
    Toni 2:09 rx 6:57 (50#, strict green)
    Adrianne 2:12 rx 8:20 (65#, ring dips blue/strict green)
    Susan 2:20 rx 12:18 (45#,blue 12-9-6)
    Marguarite 2:25 rx 8:15 (35#,para/ring rows)
    Cindy 2:15 rx 8:54 (55#, strict green)

    What an amazing push by these fine group of women:) Great job this morning!!!

  2. Brittani 2:26 rx 6:32 (50#,strict blue)
    Kaleb 1:36:) rx 11:50 (ring dips red/strict blue)
    Ailee 2:05 rx 16:05 (75#, red ring dips/strict blue)

  3. Jamie

    I think I got my time wrong I finished 1 min after Matt, so 17:34…Oh and I like the sub that was posted AFTER 6 am better, I think that would have been A LOT better.

  4. Jason 1:41 8:19(95#,grn)
    nathan 1:41 6:34 (85,blue)
    Jana V. 2:12 4:24(grn,45)
    Natalie 2:00 5:30 (45,grn)
    Mel 1:54 4:24 (75,blue)
    Paul 1:35 10:55 (135)
    Mark 1:53 8:16(95,blk)
    Jesse 1:55 6:11(65,grn)
    matt f 1:35 8:45(135,pu)
    Tom 1:48 9:20 (115,pu)
    Raymond 1:45 7:42 (95,pu)

  5. Chris M 1:42row 12:42 (blue/#135)
    Lacey: 1:56.2 ROW 9:23 (red/80#)
    phillip 1:33 row 10:27 #135/blue
    Kristine 2:00 Row 9:21 (Black/45#)
    JOYCE 7:44 55LBS (BLUE)
    lESLIE J 2:07 ROW 9:38 35 LBS (gREEN)
    Dave A, 6:58rx

  6. Craig N’s B’day wod

    22 Deadlift 205#
    22 chest 2 bar pull ups
    22 squat clean&jerk 115#
    22 HR push ups
    22 Overhead Squats 115#
    22 muscle ups

    24:24rx happy b’day Craig!

  7. ROBERT 1:46/8:00 #125 GREEN
    Mark T Row 2.06/Wod 7:00
    ALI ROW 1:39 WOD/7:41 115LBS
    BRETT 1:51 9:30 RED/#95
    EDWIN 1:47 ROW 7:13 #75LBS BLUE BAND