natalie 12:07 45# green band
cheryl 12:29 45# blue band
nicole:15:19 25# ring ups
brian:13:20 45# 20rx 10 blue band
ricky 11:22 45#
Dave j 7:37 rx
Rich P. 12:00 rx
Heidi 10:08 blue band #25
Craig G – 8:24rx
Erik R: 10:20 blueband
Mike C. 6:38rx
Chelsea: 12:54 35# thick purple band
Brenda r 13:09 35-15#Black
Anthony 7:42 RX
Jackie V 10:32 #15 bar, black band
Jamie 9:01rx PR by almost 2 mins!
Dave S. 10:19rx
anna 9:13
JS 14:39 blue
Mark 9:33
Dustin 11:17
Drew 11:07rx
Raquel 12:50 25# blue/green
joiette 11:45 red
Anna 14:50 band
Joe A 13:09 Grn
Bob K. 12:50 rx
Wayne 9:10rx PR!
Gretchen 14:36 35/15-grn
Cindy 14:23rx
Liz c. 15:14 Green
Jordan 15:37rx
sorry if i got some of your times wrong… the dry erase board was hard to read
Jamie: 11:59 45#/blue
Ana P 12:44 red
Brittani 12:05 blue
Not only is my picture on the blog but the quote was inspired by me, oh I’m feeling pretty special today!!! 🙂
Margie 11:36 red band
Clarissa 12:48 rb
hilda 12:23 bb
ron 11:30 rx pr
pari 15:35 green/20 45# then 30 30#
Matt W: 12:16 gb
Nic P: 10:35
Corey 8:26 rx
You are special Katie! Now get in here for some PR’s!!!!!
natalie 12:07 45# green band
cheryl 12:29 45# blue band
nicole:15:19 25# ring ups
brian:13:20 45# 20rx 10 blue band
ricky 11:22 45#
Dave j 7:37 rx
Rich P. 12:00 rx
Heidi 10:08 blue band #25
Craig G – 8:24rx
Erik R: 10:20 blueband
Mike C. 6:38rx
Chelsea: 12:54 35# thick purple band
Brenda r 13:09 35-15#Black
Anthony 7:42 RX
Jackie V 10:32 #15 bar, black band
Jamie 9:01rx PR by almost 2 mins!
Dave S. 10:19rx
anna 9:13
JS 14:39 blue
500 class
Al Rojas 7:40
Misty 12:58 40# red
500 class
Mike L. 7:07 RX
Brad G: 7:05 RX
Mike F 9:29 RX
Berny OK: 11:26 blk band
Ali 8:57Rx
9:26 RX
Kelsy 10:15 red PR
Make up jackie: 9:14
first jackie 17.55 last night 13.23rx thanks Kelsey Nancy Cliff and Edwin for pushing me through thoses not so good pull ups!!
600 class
Mark 9:33
Dustin 11:17
Drew 11:07rx
Raquel 12:50 25# blue/green
joiette 11:45 red
Anna 14:50 band
Joe A 13:09 Grn
Bob K. 12:50 rx
Wayne 9:10rx PR!
Gretchen 14:36 35/15-grn
Cindy 14:23rx
Liz c. 15:14 Green
Jordan 15:37rx
sorry if i got some of your times wrong… the dry erase board was hard to read