Tuesday 11-06-12

18 Responses

  1. Gaby

    Great quote! And on that note…Edwin you show up and do the WOD, that in itself is success! It does not matter how long…always remember you showed up and finished!

  2. joAnn Poole

    I’m a little late but thank you for your hospitality when Jonathan, Chardonnay, and I joined Jamie for the partner WOD on Saturday. I LOVE how organized your equipment is, especially the jump ropes! ..JoAnn Poole

  3. Marguerite 15:33 dbl floor jumps 35#
    Lesley Johnson 15:09RX
    Dave J 11:31 rx
    Autumn 15:35 rx
    Chris C.- 15:55 #35 dbl jump piro
    Sonya W: 20 min: 9rds of 10 Push Press(20#), 15 SU,DB Farmer Carry (2–25#)
    Rich P. 21:02 RX

  4. Kaleb 85# 20″ 12:33
    ailee 45# 20″ 13:14
    phillip 12:56Rx
    Gina 24:17 “38” Birthday WOD
    Gaby 16:38 55# 20″
    Chelsea: 13:42 45# 20″
    Jeff : 11:57 #65 / 20″
    Ryan 13:15 #75 / 20″
    Geramie 12:57 rx

  5. Joyce

    If Mitt Romney wins, I’m leaving the country. If Obama wins, I’m leaving the country. This is not a political statement. I just want to travel.

  6. 6pm

    Mike F 9:45 85#
    Peyton 55# 9:57
    dugas #95 13:15
    Mark M 13:08
    Heidi 12:05 rx
    Eric Guzman: 8:55 RX
    Brian 12:13 RX.

    Lacey: 12:19 (45#)
    Todd P: 10:52RX
    Liz C: 13:24 #35, rx laterals
    Jordan C: 10:37, #35, step ups
    Cliff: 11:47 rx
    Edwin 14:18RX
    Gerry 11:00 #75
    Berny: #75/20″ 15:00
    Nina: #45 11:59

    Cecy and Lorena – Birthday WOD 25 min amrap
    11 double unders, 1 HSPU (11 pushups), 11 squats, 11 power cleans
    – a lot of rounds