It’s crazy how fast we all forget how far everyone has come, when we’re around them everyday!
Scott has obviously made some incredible changes in his life using CrossFit & Diet…and there are so many of you in this gym with similar stories that we tend to forget about how INCREDIBLE it is to do something like this with your life…
So Shelly and I would love for you to send us your photos, and share with us your story.
Clean: only worked up to 245 (today’s not a “heavy” day for me
Pull-up: didn’t have a chain belt to do a max weight so I did max reps STRICT: 19
Did strict shoulder press: 5@120 3@135 4@150
500m row: 1:30.5
I will be the first to comment…:)
It’s crazy how fast we all forget how far everyone has come, when we’re around them everyday!
Scott has obviously made some incredible changes in his life using CrossFit & Diet…and there are so many of you in this gym with similar stories that we tend to forget about how INCREDIBLE it is to do something like this with your life…
So Shelly and I would love for you to send us your photos, and share with us your story.
Tim #195/ #25/ 1:31
Sammy #105/ #10/ 1:44
Louie #95/ #45/ 1:47
Blake #200/ #55/ 1:33
Vito #205/ #35/ 1:37
Eli #65/ body weight/ 1:55
Todd #145/ blue band/ 1:41
Ryan 235/ #55/ 1:27
Matt G. 215#clean, 100#pull-up, 1:31.4 Row
Kacey p/c #110 sq.clean #95 (practiced butterfly) row 1:58
Paul S 205# power clean, 90# strict pull up, 1:40.7 500m row
Shelly 145# squat, 55# pull up, 1:47.1 row
10 am
Rachel 135# clean, 3# pull up
Shelly Yesterdays 15:12 w/ab mat
Ron 205#, 50#, 1:37
josh B- 265# clean, 105# pull up, 1:24 row
NicMac: 90# clean, 10#pullup, 2:00 row
Holly: 115# clean, 20#pullup, 1:47 row
Clean: only worked up to 245 (today’s not a “heavy” day for me
Pull-up: didn’t have a chain belt to do a max weight so I did max reps STRICT: 19
Did strict shoulder press: 5@120 3@135 4@150
500m row: 1:30.5
Alex C 175# clean, 50# PU, 1:42 row
anna s. monday’s wod: 40:21rx
JD 295# power clean, 53# pu, 1:24.6 row
Richard C. 240# clean, 85# pu, 1:41 row
Jeff K. #185 squat clean PR #53 SPU PR row: 1:33 : )
Melisa B. #90 squat clean PR 1 – BB Pull-up PR 2:08
Jessika 125# squat clean PR, banded strict pus, 1:46 row
Dugas 205# squat clean, Blue KB Pull-up, 1:38 Row
Corey: #255, #115, 1:30
Peggie Dl 135 lb Pullups blue purple band 500 row 2:14
Adam #220 PU 52.5lb Row 1:40
Nick F. #235 Clean, #35PU, 1:34 Row
7:00 pm Coach Craig
Gaby 90# clean 1 body weight strict pu row 2:04:04
Todd 245# clean 25# pull up 1:33.6 row
Bryant: 205# sc/ 70# pu/ 1:32.2 row
Luis B: squat clean#315/ #70 pu/ 1:28 row
Squat Clean: #215
Strict PU: #35
500m Row: 1:28