Kacey 22:11 Rx weight mod hspu
Dave J 18:57 RX
sunnie 1950 #45 box mod
Michelle 19:92 #45 box mod
maynard 75lbs for ohs pc and 35 dumbbell press 18:22
Monica 21:20 35#/20#db press
Cari 21:28 45# mod hspu
Shelby 25:41 55# mod hspu 20# dumbbell press
Krista 25:25 45# mod hspu 20# dumbbell press
Gaby 22:39 #65 HSPU mod box
Jon F 16:02 rx mod dumbbell press 45#
6:00 a.m.
Vito 17:27 RX
Tim: 16:02 #75 abmat
Katherine 18:38 #35 box
Keith 15:30 #75 abmat
Blake 13:24 #75 box
Ryan O. 13:07 #95 abmat
Todd 19:23 #55 box
Proline 20:53 #65 abmat/ box
Britt 18:47 #55 abmat
Kacey 22:11 Rx weight mod hspu
Dave J 18:57 RX
sunnie 1950 #45 box mod
Michelle 19:92 #45 box mod
maynard 75lbs for ohs pc and 35 dumbbell press 18:22
Monica 21:20 35#/20#db press
Cari 21:28 45# mod hspu
Shelby 25:41 55# mod hspu 20# dumbbell press
Krista 25:25 45# mod hspu 20# dumbbell press
Gaby 22:39 #65 HSPU mod box
Jon F 16:02 rx mod dumbbell press 45#
Josh B – 12:43
dave a 11:55rx
3 pm
Amanda 19:40 mod
Holly 19:02 mod
Nicole 19:14 mod
Brett 14:41 rx+ 45# plates
4 pm
Juliana 21:12 mod
Matt f 19:07 kip
Rachel 20:49 kip
Randi 14:17 mod
Scott 14:36 kip
Viv 17:02
G 17:58 mod