Alex 85/75/
Aubrey 125# PR/100/115 PR (BOOM)
Eric G. 215/245/
Erika 110/100/85
Jess 145/105/140 PR (BOOM)
Johanna 105/95/
Joy 85/90/85
Leo 145/225/85
Matt K. 135/275/
Nicholas 115/125/
Rachel M. 115/90/100
Rafeal 105/135/
Sarab 185/185/165
Todd 245/225/245
Tracy 95/85/85
Trent 215/275/185 PR on all!
Michelle 80/70/
Fabiola 45/40/
Josh P. 155/275 PR
Ash- C- 170 B-145 OHS- 165 (10lb PR, thanks Mike!, Anna, Rach and Matt for the push!
6 a.m.
Kat #85 squat clean PR
Monica B=70# PR! 🙂 C=90# OHS=65#
Chris B=75# PR! 🙂
Enjoli B=85# C=85# OHS=65#
Celia B=80# C=120# OHS=85#
Olga B=95# C=90# OHS=80# PC=110#
Jess V Power Clean 130#, Bench 105#, OHS 105#
Mike V tomorrow’s WOD (its a good one 😛 ) 80RX
Shelly Yesterday’s WOD 11:59 RX
Mark 165 SC, 205 B, 165 OHS
Victor 155 PC, 235 B, 155 OHS
Holly 125 PC PR!!!, 115 B PR!!!, 115 OHS PR!!!
Amanda 115 PC, 85 B, 85 OHS
Viv 115 PC, 150 B
Lex 95 PR!!!, 65 OHS PR!!!
Peggie: bench 75 ohs 45 clean 65
Rosie: bench 65 ohs 30 clean 30
Ruthie: Clean 105 ohs 85 bench 75
Mark: bench 205
Corey: bench 255 clean 260 ohs 205
Scott: bench 85 hos 185 clean 245
cindy: bench 105
John: bench 205 clean 225 ohs 205
Mike: bench 265 clean 225 ohs 185
Kae: ohs 145 bench 135 clean 155
James bench 205 ohs 115 clean 155
Melissa: bench 65 ohs 45 clean 60
Adan: bench 230 clean 255 ohs 155
Jessica P: bench 95 ohs 55 clean 60
Nicole: bench 35 ohs 50 clean 75
Gloria: bench 115!! ohs 50 clean 75
Leslie: bench 80 ohs 75 clean 85
laura: bench 180!!!! ohs 105 clean 105
Alex 85/75/
Aubrey 125# PR/100/115 PR (BOOM)
Eric G. 215/245/
Erika 110/100/85
Jess 145/105/140 PR (BOOM)
Johanna 105/95/
Joy 85/90/85
Leo 145/225/85
Matt K. 135/275/
Nicholas 115/125/
Rachel M. 115/90/100
Rafeal 105/135/
Sarab 185/185/165
Todd 245/225/245
Tracy 95/85/85
Trent 215/275/185 PR on all!
Michelle 80/70/
Fabiola 45/40/
Josh P. 155/275 PR
Ash- C- 170 B-145 OHS- 165 (10lb PR, thanks Mike!, Anna, Rach and Matt for the push!
Clean 145#/ OHS 130# PR
good job everyone!!