Wednesday 06-19-13

8 Responses

  1. Coach Nick's Class

    Linnie BS 135# 3 rds #105
    Jamie: 115#/#75 4rds
    Josh #225/#185. 3 Rds RX
    Proline:85#, 3Rds 3thrusters 55#
    steve b: 185#/ 3RDS 1 thruster
    Louie: 155#/3rds 1 thruster 115# red kb

  2. Coach Nick's Class

    Peyton #115 back squat; 5 rounds 75# 1 pood
    Bobby 205 ; 3 rds +3 thr rx
    Josh S. 275# back sqt; 4 rnds + 1 kb rx

  3. Trev


    Shayne – 205#/4+2 thruster rx
    Lucky Lou – 185#/3+6 pu (115#)
    Joyce – 160#/4+1 thruster rx
    Brad G – 275#/5 rx
    Eric E – 225#/3+6 pu (grn)
    Drew – 255#/4+3 thruster rx
    Nina – 120#/5 rounds (75#, red, orange kb)

  4. Trev


    Craig G – 205#/4 rounds (115#)
    Chris O – 145#/4 rounds (95#, 1.5p)
    Mike C – 205#/5 rx
    Mark M – 160#/4+6pu (95, blue, 1p)
    Breana C – 35#/3 rounds (35, ring rows, .5p)
    Cecy – 135#/4 rounds (85#, 1pood)
    Henry – 75#/3 rounds (75#, grn, orange kb)
    Joe B – 205#/3 rounds (45# db thrusters)
    Anna Banana – 95#/4+6 pu (75#, 1pood)

  5. Coach Mike's and Erik's Class

    Cameron A. BS #185 B. #95 TH 1.5 KB
    manuel: A. bs #185 B. #115 1.5 KB 4rds + 3 thrusters

  6. Coach Mike's and Erik's Class


    Todd: 225# BS/ 3rnds+3Thrusters+6Pull ups
    Steph 95#/ 5 RDS @50#
    Aaron: 185#/ 3rnds + 3PU RX
    Corey #225/ 4 rds + 2 kb rx
    Leroy 150 / 3 rds + 6 pull ups
    Heidi #115/ 2 rnds + 3 pu #75