Wednesday 06-05-13

9 Responses

  1. Coach Nick's Class

    Jamie: 23:01 SU (yesterday) + 1 mile
    Steven S. 47:09rx
    Mike C. 41:45rx
    Bresee 48:48 RX
    Sergio 53:20
    Linnie 57:19 95# + 45#
    Shayne 54:52 rx
    Phil 57:09

  2. Coach Nick's Class

    manuel 53:36rx
    Leroy 57:50 95

    Chris O. 49:40 (95#)
    binley 64:48 (75#)
    Corey 51:02 rx
    Bryant 62:00 24 sc rx/ 16 @ 95#

  3. Coach Mike's and Erik's Class

    Jackie H: 51:26 #65
    Iliana 53:09 #55
    Leslie 58:31 45#
    Rachel 63:50 RX (Thanks Erik!)

    Aubrey 56:58 45#
    Jordan C: 66:21 MOD.
    Cecy: 67:47rx (9 min PR)

  4. Rosie

    completed following WOD from home:
    10 rounds of: 10 situps and 10 burpees FOR TIME

    Rosie= 24:30