Martin 11:56 RX
CASEY 11:57 25 DU + 10 V-UPS / 200 M SPRINT
(Done as 2rds for time)
Cindy 15:53 RX
Celia 13:33 RX
Margie 14:32 45#
Andrea 19:23 RX
Lily 19:55 RX
Nick 17:38 95#, hk
Bill 16:30 75#
Geraldine 15:40 35#
Joe B. 15:01 RX
Lou 17:07 rx
Miguel 14:46 75-95#
Cari 13:56 45#/hk
Evangelina 13:35 55#/hk
Kourie 55#/hk completed
Schwab 14:25 rx
Racheal 16:21 55# mod
Ronnie 20:46 rx
Katie 15:52 mod
Joe 95#/hk completed
Alex 19:05 55# hk
Luis 17:19 75# hk
I screwed up..for some reason I thought it was 135lbs…and it was pretty damn tough. I actually only got 6 T2B on the second round between C&J and row. Then everything else was completed
6:00 a.m. athletes
Tim mod #95
Brett H. mod #95
Trent mod #95
Victor mod #95
Rosy mod #15
Rene mod #45
Madaline mod #65
Martin 11:56 RX
CASEY 11:57 25 DU + 10 V-UPS / 200 M SPRINT
(Done as 2rds for time)
Cindy 15:53 RX
Celia 13:33 RX
Margie 14:32 45#
Andrea 19:23 RX
Lily 19:55 RX
Nick 17:38 95#, hk
Bill 16:30 75#
Geraldine 15:40 35#
Joe B. 15:01 RX
Lou 17:07 rx
Miguel 14:46 75-95#
Cari 13:56 45#/hk
Evangelina 13:35 55#/hk
Kourie 55#/hk completed
Schwab 14:25 rx
Racheal 16:21 55# mod
Ronnie 20:46 rx
Katie 15:52 mod
Joe 95#/hk completed
Alex 19:05 55# hk
Luis 17:19 75# hk
Dave A completed rx
Shelly completed rx
3 pm
Lauren 16:19
Mark 16:52 rx
Jesse 14:30
Donna 15:03
Adan 22:07
Kacey 13:50
Manny 12:35 rx
Viv 14:02
Victor 16:55 rx
Kayla 14:50
Amanda 15:44
Mike c Completed RX
4 pm
Ashlee completed mod
Clark 17:54
Seth 16:31
Cory 17:15
Sal 14:10
Matt F. completed RX
Brett 14:58 rx
Mike 16:57
Stephanie 21:02
Sean completed RX
Krista= 16:31 #55
Shelby= 14:30 #55
John= RX
Wyatt= 14:55 RX
Sariah= 13:05 (v-ups)
Mike 15:25 RX
Kendra= 19:00 #45
Susie= 13:26 #55
Rosie= 18:00 #35
Erin= 13:13 #55
Patricia= 16:44 #45
Melissa= 15:52 #45
Craig= RX
Alison= 17:07 #65
Leo= 16:12 #65
Wyane= 17:54 #75
Ryan H= completed
Leslie= 16:18 #45
Sarab= 12:05
Tracy= 14:36
Sarna=m completed (k2C)
Jonathan= 12:04 #75 K2C
Jessica A= completed #55
Gaby= discombombulated =)
Ryan= 13:15
Edwin= 18:21 RX
Erica= 13:43 k2c
Fabiola= 17:11
Moichelle= 17:35
Michael= 18:19
I screwed up..for some reason I thought it was 135lbs…and it was pretty damn tough. I actually only got 6 T2B on the second round between C&J and row. Then everything else was completed