Tuesday 10-27-15

14 Responses

  1. 9ners

    CASEY 16 RDS + 9 OHS (45#)
    JPahissa 12 rds RX
    Maynard 8 rds + 5 bj RX
    Nick 10 rds + 5 bj RX
    Joe 14 rds RX
    Celia 8 + 11 ohs 55#
    Frank RX
    Autumn 12 rds + 3 thrusters 55#
    Andrea 10 rds + 9 bj 55#
    Alex 10 RX
    Cindy 12 rds + 6 ohs RX
    Cari 14 rds 45#
    Joyce 16 rds + 4 ohs RX
    Abe 75#
    Nina 12 rds + 8 bj 35#
    Lauren 10 rds + 10 bj 35#

  2. 4 pm

    Lex 16+12 OHS 25#
    Kacey 14+8 OHS 45#
    Stephanie 14+16 OHS 35#
    Margie 16+10 OHS 45#
    Steve 18 mod
    Brendanm 12+7 OHS 45#
    VIV 14+14 OHS
    Donald 14 75#
    Matt f 14+12 box rx
    Mike L 16+4 OHS rx
    Jason 14+14 OHS 75#

  3. 5pm
    Lily’s B-day WOD!
    Happy Birthday 28th Girl!!!!!!!! We love you! thanks for being such an amazing member to the CFRC Family! Enjoy your day and thanks for spending it with us!!!

    800m Run
    28Cal row
    28 Burpee B jumps
    28 KBS
    10 Sqt Cl Thrusters
    10 Backsquats
    10 Reverse lunges with Back Rack
    28 B.B. jumps
    28 KBS
    28 Cal Row
    800 M run

    Lily= BDAYGIRLLLLLLL 32:55
    Brenda= 26:57
    Bryan= 31:20 RX
    John= 26:47 RX
    Mark= 37:30
    Melissa= 41:16
    Michael= 35:10
    Mike C= 25:12 RX
    Sal= 36:57
    Wyatt=33:45 RX
    Viv= 27:33
    Dugas=- 30:15 RX

    Good Job guys =) – ash

  4. 6pm
    Victor= 12+11 OHS #75
    Leslie= 16 + 4 Box jumos #45
    Luis= 14 +11 Box jumps RX
    Ryan= 4 then the box monster tried to eat his leg =( took it like a champ!!! Feel Better Ryan