Mark M 7+5ttb mod
Marcos 6+7ss2oh mod
Nicole 7+3box mod
Lex 7+3 box mod
4 pm
Brian 5+12 s2oh mod
Sandy 6+5box mod
Andrea 6+10box mod
Chris O 6+8s2oh mod
Cameron 5+2ttb mod
Henry 5+9s2oh mod
Emmanuel 7+2box rx
Schwaby 6+15 box rx
Edge from work:
13 thrusters
90 DU
11 Bar MU (no rings at work)
155# snatches
4 rds + 12 shoulder to overhead (a lot of distance between movements due to set up at work)
8 thrusters
110 Double Unders
11 muscle ups
135# snatch (at opens last year I was only able to get 3 with a lot of time left. And they sure as hell weren’t touch and go. probably at least a minuet between each.)
5 rounds + 6 shoulder to overhead.
Ooommmgggg! Cutest blog picture to date. 😉
omg. that kid is just too cute.
OMG… Best photographer ever 🙂
Omg!!!! Best Jammies ever!
Greg 5rd #75 20″
Jason 5rd + 4oh #85 HK
Jamie: 7rd+6S2OH 75/su/hk
Jennifer B: 10rds #65/HK
ron 5rd + 12 so 95#/hk
9am with Coach Mike L.
6 rds rx
Thrusters: 21
DU: 129
MU: 17
P. snatch: 205
WOD: 9rds + 4BJ
Thrusters 10
DU 159
MU 20
P. Snatch 155
WOD 9+15 BJ
Jenn G.
Thrusters – 16
DU – 120
MU – 5
3 rm p. snatch – 105
Wod 9 + 1 s2o
Paul S
thrusters 12
DU 99
M/U 8
P Snatch 135# 2@145#
WOD 5 + 12 BJs
Thrusters 18
DU 102
M/U 🙂
3 rep P snatch 105, 2@115
WOD 8+1 T2B
A .13
B. 130
C. 10
D. 115
E. 9+9 s2o
I can’t kick this cold. My lungs on fire!!
A) 5 #135
B)du 123
C) mu 8
D) snatch #125
5rds +4 box jumps rx
3 pm
Mark M 7+5ttb mod
Marcos 6+7ss2oh mod
Nicole 7+3box mod
Lex 7+3 box mod
4 pm
Brian 5+12 s2oh mod
Sandy 6+5box mod
Andrea 6+10box mod
Chris O 6+8s2oh mod
Cameron 5+2ttb mod
Henry 5+9s2oh mod
Emmanuel 7+2box rx
Schwaby 6+15 box rx
a. 13 Thrusters 95#
b. 116
c. 0
d 95#
e 6 rounds + 15 bj and 4 s2o
5 pm
Ahmed 6+8box mod
Maynard 7+1box mod
Brad G 7+1box rx
Luis 6+1box rx
Brandon 6+10s2oh rx
Anna 8+8ttb rx
A.) 14
B.) 150
C.)zero fell out of two
D.) 110#
E.) 2 t2b shy of 10 rds…damn!
9+7 t2b step ups
A. 20
B. 123
C. 16
D. 205
E. 8 rds + 15 bj
A: 7 @ #135
B: 83 doubles
C: 6 Muscle Up Progressions
D: #135 3rm power snatch
E: 4rds + 11 Box Jumps rx
A) 16 thrusters 95#
B) 26 DUs (LOL….one at a time)
C) attempts
D) 95# (and stopped there. My shoulder hurt)
E) 7 rds + 1 box jump RX
Guzman E.D.G.E: 10 thrusters 135#, 73 DU, 14 MU blk
band, 6x3RM 135#, W.O.D 4 rnd 12 S2O
1/2nd Half of Edge
18 min AMRAP
6 RNDS + 4 BJ RX
Plus Yadie Bday WOD
Edge from work:
13 thrusters
90 DU
11 Bar MU (no rings at work)
155# snatches
4 rds + 12 shoulder to overhead (a lot of distance between movements due to set up at work)
8 thrusters
110 Double Unders
11 muscle ups
135# snatch (at opens last year I was only able to get 3 with a lot of time left. And they sure as hell weren’t touch and go. probably at least a minuet between each.)
5 rounds + 6 shoulder to overhead.
7 rds rx then 3 mile run 29:40