Thursday 05-10-12

12 Responses

  1. Nathan: (Modified back strain) 17:48, 20 Shoulder press, PU
    BRITTANI: 18:41 50# BLU
    Matt A 17:53 RX
    Jamie: 19:38 45# Blue
    Donny 21:30 75# blue
    Ana P 20:59 50# blue
    Sergio 21:03 RX Blue

  2. 9 AM
    Craig N. 14:37 95#
    Susan 19:29 15 walking lunges #20 30 sit ups
    Chris C 23:05 green band 35#
    Marguerite 19:22 mod 1/2 35# green band
    Robert G 20:45 red band #95
    Toni 19:55 #45 blue band
    Gaby 22:30 #65
    Rich P: 24:11 #95 Blu Band
    jessy 22:39 BLUE 45#
    Autumn 21:38 65#
    Brett 19:55 65#
    Frank B = 20:41 95lbs

  3. Jodie

    I love how Richard metally color coordinated his shirt to match the green plates and bands! Well done Richard! 😉

  4. Perea

    Hello all, my co-worker is an assistant football coach at Azusa Pacific. This summer they are having a football camp June 25-29 from 8am-12pm. Cost is $125 but there is a discount for siblings. There is a 5-9 year old group and 10-14 year old group.
    Also, the have 2 single day high school camps. June 16 and July 14. Cost is $75 for one camp or $125 for both camps.
    It is run by current coaches and players. If you’re interested text me your name and email and I will send you a camp flyer. Thanks. 626.392.0509

  5. 0330
    Matt F. 18:09rx
    Brandon 16:39 RX
    anna s 16:51 RX
    Anthony 16:29 RX
    ivy 22:22 45#/green
    Mike C. 13:48 rx
    Corey 21:04 85#
    Nirav: 15:30 4 rnds
    Ruthie 21:06 35#/blue
    David J 16:50 rx
    Meagann 25:25 RX