josh p. DUs (160), WOD: 8 rounds + 4 WBs RX+(30″BJs)
Jamie: DU 19, 5 rd + 15 WB and 8 Burpies
Susan 27 du,6+11 wb (4#,sit ups)
Chris 172 su, 5 (6#,step ups)
Casey 45 du, 5+2 burpees
Toni 15 du, 5+6 wb rx
Mike V. 235 du, 8+7 wb rx
Kaleb 61 du, 7+1 wb rx
Ailee 20 su, 3+3 bj
Mike G. 367 su, 8+2 wb
Sergio 240 su,5+2 wb
Autumn 124 du, 6 rx
Rich 10 du, 4+15 wb
Joe 🙂
On a side note, I am looking for a post workout drink that helps with recovery and can help eliminate my soreness. Any suggestions?
One last question since I have the floor…anyone know where I can get a decently priced Skins compression clothing?
Thank you for reading my post.
Try Chainreactioncycles.com everything on sale all SKINS
Long sleeve tops 63.00
Long bottoms 77.00
Power sox 26.00
Just remember limited sizes,you can’t beat the prices.
Brittani 6+1 burpee 10# 20 inch box
Meagann 6 + 10WB RX
Ana P 6 10#, 20 in step ups
josh p. DUs (160), WOD: 8 rounds + 4 WBs RX+(30″BJs)
Jamie: DU 19, 5 rd + 15 WB and 8 Burpies
Susan 27 du,6+11 wb (4#,sit ups)
Chris 172 su, 5 (6#,step ups)
Casey 45 du, 5+2 burpees
Toni 15 du, 5+6 wb rx
Mike V. 235 du, 8+7 wb rx
Kaleb 61 du, 7+1 wb rx
Ailee 20 su, 3+3 bj
Mike G. 367 su, 8+2 wb
Sergio 240 su,5+2 wb
Autumn 124 du, 6 rx
Rich 10 du, 4+15 wb
Joe 🙂
Phil 261 su,6+12 wb rx
Josh 260 du,7+12 wb rx
Brandon E. du:),5+5 wb
Wes – Check this out, it’s right up your alley.
On a side note, I am looking for a post workout drink that helps with recovery and can help eliminate my soreness. Any suggestions?
One last question since I have the floor…anyone know where I can get a decently priced Skins compression clothing?
Thank you for reading my post.
Try Chainreactioncycles.com everything on sale all SKINS
Long sleeve tops 63.00
Long bottoms 77.00
Power sox 26.00
Just remember limited sizes,you can’t beat the prices.
330 Class:
Double unders / Rounds
luis c – 5rnds + 3 burpees — 220 DU rx
britney- 5rnds
drew 260 su/ 4 round + 10 wall balls
Maddie 200 4rnds
Jessy 121 su mostly 5 rounds 15 wb 4 burpees
wes 240 8rnds + 10 WB
Joe Joe 4rnds + 8 burpees
Jon P. 249 DU / 10 rounds + 2 burpee
62 DU 5 rounds 2 burpees plus some extras
LaMarre 210 DU / 8 Rounds RX
Brandon 199 DU/ 6 rounds + 2 box jumps
Chris M 72 DU 5 rnds + 1 wall ball
rique 5rds/145 du
Mike C. rnds 15 wall balls 10 burpees
binley 106 du 4rnds +8wb rx
Jamie 210 su 5rnds +10wb 20 inch box
Mike J: Tabata 20d/u, 6rds+13wb rx
Abel 128 reps (5RNDS + 3 BJS)
Nate L: 125 DU / 5rds + 10 burpees Rx
Mark M 10 Du/90 Su / 4 Rds +1 WB Round
Craig G 97DU 5rds 10Burpees
Ryan 101 DU 6 Rds
Robin 62du 6rds + 14wb (modified: 10, 20″)
Krystal: Good singles :), (mod 10×4)