Thursday 03-22-12

6 Responses

  1. Lacey: 3rounds + 9 thrusters RX
    Jamie: 96 total with 35 and green band
    maria 9rounds – green band
    Robin: 3 rounds + 12 thrust, 4 CTB (4rep rx – 1st CTB!)
    josh p. 85 points (Round:15 Thrusters + 10 C2B)

  2. Autumn 12 + 3 thrusters (pull ups)
    Toni 12+7 thrusters (35#,blue)
    Mathew 12+3 c2b (75#)
    Jason A. 12+8 C2b rx
    Divina 9+3 thrusters (blue c2b)
    Chris 9+10 pull ups (green)
    Jamie 12+7 thrusters (light purple)
    Tanya 12+13 thrusters rx

  3. 330 class

    Krystal 12 (35#,RR)
    Sarah 12+8 thrusters (35,Blue)
    Gilbert 9+6 thrusters (95, blue)
    Landon 51 reps (#95, green)
    Mel 67 (blue)
    Scott-48 rx
    Matt F.-67 rx

  4. 430 class

    ROn 3 rds + 9 thrust 95lb blue
    Mike J: 12+10 thrusters (70 reps total)
    Damion R. 12+1
    anna 15+4 (79)
    Kristen M. 15 45#, blue

    Raquel O. 12 thrusters 45#
    Craig-3 6 thrusters 100#
    Sammy- 12 5 thrusters #65
    Sage 12 pullups #45
    Chris 8 pullups 12 thrusters #95
    Cliff 82 rx
    Bob – 4 thrusters #75 7 pullups
    Dustin – 4 thrusters RX 4 pullups
    Jeremy 70rx

  5. 1830
    Stephany B – #35 12thrusters/ pull ups+ 6thrusters
    Joe B. 12 thrusters/ pull ups+2
    Jonathan Martinez- 15 Push Press/15 Pull Ups= 90 Reps

    Binley-ghd, burpee box jumps 20″ 21,15,9-8:39
    Gerry- 65 rep blue/ 75 lbs
    Gaby #65 50 sub with pull ups
    lizette #45 27 pull up w black band
    lesley 44RX
    ALI 67 RX
    phillip 42 blue