Let me know what time you’re going to workout tomorrow Abel…I’d like to join you brother…
To our 9 awesome volunteers at NLI this past Saturday: please email me at [email protected] about your experience and give me your feedback, and if you had any issues or problems. I know some people werent taken care of and did not receive items you were promised so I would like to address the issue with NLI asap. Please email me when you get the chance. We all appreciated your time you donated towards the event representing CFRC.
Amazing showing for this mornings WOD:) C/O everyone chose a exercise and did 39 reps of it for SCHWABY’s 39th BDAY!!!!!!! YOu old man!!!! To bad you look like your 19:)
Tanya 13:56 rx hspu
Gaby 13:08 (red,65#) t2b
Nina 13:15 rx ghd
Josh 10:13 rx wall balls
Cookie 20:48 (65#) ghd
Luis 16:37 rx 1.5 kb
Susan 18:23 (red,45#) kb
Autumn 14:31 (white) kb
Lauren 14:43 (green,45#)
Craig 18:06 rx 1.5 kb
Melissa 14:43 (green,75#)
Josh K. 9:13 rx hspu
Jon S. 14:42 rx 1.5 kb
Margie 14:22 (55#,purple) kb
Robert G. 12:02 (95#)
Kevin 12:28 (105#) du’s
Nathan C. 18:33 (95#)
Nirav 10:32 75#
Nathan B. 11:14 95#
Nesto 12:38rx
Jodie 13:12 85#
Ami 13:18 45# blue
Julie 13:20 65#
Bryant 13:32 first rd 115#, last 2 95#
Nate L 14:00 95#
Brad 14:04 65#
Ash 14:09 rx
Ivy 15:37 65# green
Robin 18:28 65#, blue did 11 thrusters the first two rounds 🙁
Perea 12:44rx
Let me know what time you’re going to workout tomorrow Abel…I’d like to join you brother…
To our 9 awesome volunteers at NLI this past Saturday: please email me at [email protected] about your experience and give me your feedback, and if you had any issues or problems. I know some people werent taken care of and did not receive items you were promised so I would like to address the issue with NLI asap. Please email me when you get the chance. We all appreciated your time you donated towards the event representing CFRC.
Kristen 9:20rx
Randi 10:05rx
Jenn G. 10:22 rx
Jason 18:17 rx 2 rds last rd sub back squats
Matt 12:09 115#
One of my favorites! See you tonight Abel!
Abel I will be proud to do this WOD tonight!!!! Bless her little soul
Amazing showing for this mornings WOD:) C/O everyone chose a exercise and did 39 reps of it for SCHWABY’s 39th BDAY!!!!!!! YOu old man!!!! To bad you look like your 19:)
Tanya 13:56 rx hspu
Gaby 13:08 (red,65#) t2b
Nina 13:15 rx ghd
Josh 10:13 rx wall balls
Cookie 20:48 (65#) ghd
Luis 16:37 rx 1.5 kb
Susan 18:23 (red,45#) kb
Autumn 14:31 (white) kb
Lauren 14:43 (green,45#)
Craig 18:06 rx 1.5 kb
Melissa 14:43 (green,75#)
Josh K. 9:13 rx hspu
Jon S. 14:42 rx 1.5 kb
Margie 14:22 (55#,purple) kb
Robert G. 12:02 (95#)
Kevin 12:28 (105#) du’s
Nathan C. 18:33 (95#)
Schwabs 39th BDay Wod
Do to injury, Schwab go all upper body movements:)
39 KB Swings 1.5
39 Burpee Pull UPs
39 GHD’s
39 Handstand Push UPs
39 Shoulder Press 75#
39 Back Extension 10#
39 Cal. Row
29:33 rx
Happy Birthday Schwab Face!!!
I’ll be in at 6:30 pm tonight!
Thanks for the support. You guys are the best!
Hey, if you guys are digging the website…Give some love to Jeremy Agers for it. He’s the man behind the scenes, making CFRC SHINE!
Thanks Jeremy!
Schwab 9:33 PushPress c/o wallball GHD 10′ HappyBDay!!
Dave J 10:12 RX c/o HSPU
Erin 11:18 RX
Nick Y 11:40 RX c/o 2PD KB
Paul 11:59 115# c/o 135#PwrCln
Joe Barnes 13:00 115#
Brock 13:13 RX c/o 2PD KB
Josh 13:38 RX c/o 2PD KB
Ali 13:38 RX 115# c/o GHD
Toni 14:55 45#, blue c/o situps
Drew 15:15 95# c/o 20#WallBall
Craig 16:01 RX c/o 2PD KB
Jeremy 16:01 RX c/o OHS 65#
Leslie 17:41 35# c/o Free standing hand stand. What!!
Danny 19:41 RX c/o 95# pushpress
Landon 19:32 115# blu c/o 24″box jumps
Suttles 18:34 75# c/o 1/2 ringdips 1/2 T2B
Crysti 18:48 85# c/o situps
Kristen M 12:57 65# c/o GHD
Nirav 10:32 75#
Nathan B. 11:14 95#
Nesto 12:38rx
Jodie 13:12 85#
Ami 13:18 45# blue
Julie 13:20 65#
Bryant 13:32 first rd 115#, last 2 95#
Nate L 14:00 95#
Brad 14:04 65#
Ash 14:09 rx
Ivy 15:37 65# green
Robin 18:28 65#, blue did 11 thrusters the first two rounds 🙁
Perea 12:44rx
ryan 12;11 red/95*
dani green/45
april 14;03 g/65
brett 12;30 75
jamie 17;32 g/95
ralph 18;51 g/75
able 17;30rx
lo 13;55 75