Monday 08-06-12

11 Responses

  1. 6AM
    JAMIE: 21:45 45#, HIGH KNEE
    LACEY 25:33RX c/o 6:55
    Stephany B #45 first set #35 rest 26:50 c/0 7:55
    Sergio 19:15 frnt sqt, high knee, c/o 7:05
    Floyd 21:18 55#, high knee
    Robin 27:22 rx

  2. David santos: 3 rdes 400m run, 30 ohs 75lbs, 20 t2b 20:09 50 burpee box jump overs 5:03
    janice c/o 6:41 step up
    Stephani: C/O 10:13
    Peggie 15lb bar, knees to baR 20:02
    Geramie 19:46rx c/o 6:03
    Meagann 18:58 RX c/o 7:14 24″box

  3. 1500

    Coach Erik-14:24 Rx’d+(+20 lb vest) C/O 5:54 24 in
    Matt F. 20:15RX’D c/o 6:42 24 in
    Natalie 29:50 45# back squat
    Joyce 28:01 35# RX toe 2 bar
    binley 26:48 RX cash out 10:06 20″

  4. Dave J: 23:34 rx
    Dave S. 24;30 rx
    peyton 21:59 rx
    Raymond 20:33 w/ bar 50 box jump burpees
    Monica 23:44 20# tsb/hk
    widick todd small bar modified, 10 box jumps modified.
    Bryant 30:01 @ 65 lbs.
    Mike C. 15:24rx 30 box jumps.
    Heidi 15:22 pipeOHS knees to elbows c/o 35 box jump

  5. Robin

    Hi all! Is the hike on Sunday the 12th? Or Saturday the 11th? There’s a bit of conflict between the events tab and the blog bulletin above… Thanks!

  6. Craig N. 14:06 RX
    MARK T. 21:30 light bar 500M Row, 20 ttb
    jason c. 22:10 bar c/o 5:15
    Matt W: 45# 35:00
    Leslie J – 35# 24:32 C/o 7:52
    Jamie 23:36rx c/o 8:38
    Misty 25:19 35# c/o 7:50

  7. 1800

    Erin 16:34rx, c/o 6:00
    Mike L. 19:?? RX
    Chris C, 19:07 #15 Bar, Knees to chest c/o 7:02
    trevor w: 22.58 rx, 10:10 50 step up 24 inch.
    Madden: #45. knees to to stomach 21:30 c/o
    Rachel R- 23:49 45# 1 RD then 35#/ knees to elbow
    Jordan C: 30:17 #45, RX
    jason s 31;30
    Liz C: 28:26 #15, knees to stomach

    Schwaby 15:21rx
    Mel 16:19 (15#, T2C) c/o 8:11
    Todd Porter: 16:47RX
    markmcr 18:34 no-Rx
    Jodie 14:19 RX c/o 6:50
    jackie h – modified row/ #25 23:10 c/o 7:22
    Coach Nancy – 12:35rx 6:12rx
    fercia – 22:30 c/o 11:00
    Dee – last RX (no clue on time) 🙂
    Kristine- 22:07 35#/knees to chest
    phillip 20:30 rx