Monday 03-11-13

11 Responses

  1. Aaron M.

    I’ll start by saying that the entire atmosphere of this weekend was inspirational. I wasn’t even going to sign up for the Opens having only been CrossFitting for 5 weeks and thinking it would be too much. Dan convinced me otherwise and it felt great pushing myself this weekend and watching everyone give it their all!

    Also, Bresee was a badass getting a 117 on Saturday, knowing she could do better, and pumping out a 150 today!! Congrats!

    Finally, on a different note, if I passed out one of those surveys to you this is just a reminder to bring it with you to the gym tomorrow and I’ll collect it from you! Thanks again for helping me out with that! You all rock!!


  2. Meagann

    Watching everyone getting mentally prepared warming up and being so nervous right before the workout is so exciting. I love the vibe and atmosphere of everyone cheering each other on.
    Want to thank Shelley for convincing me to do the workout again where I PR’d 6 reps at 100#!! Love that you can push yourself to do things you thought you couldnt! Good luck everyone for the next weeks to come!!

  3. Coach Nick's Class

    Jamie: 4 rd + 200m rx/ 6 rd blu
    Diana 4 rds, 5 rds blu
    Mike 16rds total rx
    Phil: 8 rds DL #95 PU grn
    Shayne 11 rds rx
    David 12 rds rx
    Brittani 4 rds +1 dl RX!! and 6rds purple+1pu

  4. Coach Shelly's Class


    CASEY 8+200M(65LBS)/6+5PULL UPS(RED)
    Paul S 6rnds/8rnds + 8 pull ups Rx 14 + 8 Pull ups
    Margarita 4 rounds (55lb); 5 rounds (Black)
    Paul 4 rounds (95lb); 4 rounds (Blue)
    Susan 4 1/2 rds #85 ; 4 1/2 rds purple/red
    Aaron 4 rnds +6DL 155#, 5 rnds RX
    Marguerite 3 1/2 rds 65#; 3 1/2 rds green band
    Bresee 7 1/2 rds 125# + 7 rds
    Chris Co= 4 1/2 #75 4 rds + 1/2
    anna s:6rx, 6 + 17 ab mats rx
    ron 5rds/ 4rds +18 su rx
    Gaby 6rx/5rds + 7 ab rx
    Joyce 6RX/5rds & 5pull ups RX

  5. Coach Shelly's Class


    Monica 5rds(105#)/5+20ab mats(red)


    1500 class
    Peyton 6rds rx; 6 rds + 12 sit ups
    Matt K. 5rds@135# + 9dl; 5rds + 20 sit ups
    Anthony 6 rds RX/ 6 rds RX
    LaMarre 7 Rx / 9 + 7 Sit-ups Rx

    Jamie 6rds rx; 6rds + 20 situps, 1 pullup rx
    Chelsea:5rds 95#; 5+10 red
    Chris O: 5rds + 5 135#; 6 rounds blue
    Andrea L: 5rds rx: 5 rounds +20 sit ups/pull ups
    Craig G 6rds rx/6rds +1 pu

  6. Coach Shelly's Class

    manuel: 5rx/6 + 20 su rx
    Ricky: 7rds/7rds
    Mike F: 6 155# / 5 + 19 su rx
    Nate L: 5@135# / 5+7su Rx
    kelsy sub 25# db push press – 5rnds / 5 +20su rx

  7. Coach Shelly's Class

    Joe A 6rds @65#, 6rds, brn band
    Mark M 5 Rounds #100 + 1 Run, 5 Rounds + 12 Sit ups
    Schwaby 7/9 +2 su’s
    Mike Lee 5 rounds #85, 5rounds green
    Yadie 3 rds 200m 5dl, 4rds 15su
    Michelle 4 rds/4 rds, 20 abs
    Aubrey 4 rds +200m run, 5 rds blk +7PU
    Anna P: 5 rds 95#/6rds blu
    Eric Guzman 6rnds 155#/5 rnds RX

  8. Coach Shelly's Class

    Heidi- 5 rnds #100/ 6 rnds rx
    Cecy- 5+run RX/5+6 RX
    Rosie- 3rds #10lbs/5rds mod ring p/u
    Misty 5 rnd 95# 6 rd red
    Amber 3rds 55# + 200m/ 4rds mod ring p/u
    James 5rds 95#/ 4rds blk
    Chris C: 4 RDS +2DL, 4RDS RX
    Liz C: 4rds rx/4 rds blue band
    Edwin 5rds + 200m run RX/ 7rds RX
    Berny: 4rds rx/4rds + 10 pullups blu/grn