Friday 5-26-17


Friday 5-26-17

Next Monday CFRC will be doing the Hero WOD  “Murph”  to celebrate Memorial Day. Please join us from 9AM to 11AM to burn some serious calories before your Memorial Day barbecue. There will also be a special 90 Minute!!! Memorial Day Cycle class at 9AM.

Scheduling announcements:

Memorial Day, Monday May 29th, Open Gym 9AM to 11AM only. MURPH!!!

Gym Closed-June 3rd and 4th for CrossFit Level 2 Certification.


5 Rounds of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

For Time

“Nancy” is one of the original benchmark workouts. Benchmark workouts serve to measure our progress over time. In today’s workout, we test our ability to control a barbell overhead with a high heart rate. Logging this workout and all benchmarks into the computer or in a notebook will be useful to look back upon the next time we do “Nancy.