Friday 08-17-12

11 Responses

  1. 6AM
    Brittani 36:58 20in 20kb sub su for hk 10wb
    Josh C. 36:01 sub 150 su for du 16lb wall ball
    Sergio 36:09 su, #16
    Ana P 38:26 20 in, 1 pood, 10lb wb, su
    Matt A: 31:12 SU
    Melissa: 38:56 SU 15lb bar, 150 su
    Gaby 37:15 RX except for WB 16# to 9ft
    Jenn G. 31:18rx
    Matt W: 45:53 knee-highs/ 16# wb/ 150 su

  2. 9am’ers Sorry I had a coach felony and screwed up the clock 🙁
    You guyz all rocked and got thru it good job 🙂

    Peggie 27:00 ? 30 reps no burpees 60 pushups
    Rich P 41:00 rx
    chris s 31:44rx
    Pari 41:20 35lbs/high knees
    Bri 47:00 15#, high knees
    Harvey 30:02 rx
    ron 42:23 rx

    Nathan 39:22

  3. 300 class

    Schwaby 21:59 rx
    Mike L 24:37
    Gretchen 25:00 Sets of 25
    markmcr 35:44 noRX “Filthy Forties” for a guy in his forties.
    Brandon 30:32 RX
    Cookie 42:24 scaled
    Craig G 38:55RX
    Corey 37:41 150 single unders
    Ruthie 38:45 (20’/35#/10#/single unders)
    Heidi 42:11 (20db/35#/10#wb/high knees/singles)
    Joyce 42:11 RX except for single unders…one day!

  4. 1800

    maria cristina 32 rx
    Mike F 40:02 scaled k2e
    ALI 26:12
    Jordan C: 47:00 #15 Goodmornings,
    WAyne: 34:04 High Knees
    Cliff: 29:34 rx
    Edwin 36:38
    Chris C: 44:10
    Liz C.: 50:26
    Bob K: 35:58 @ 20# WB
    Nate L: 40:39 high knees
    Kelly: 45:39 mod
    Jamie 39:59 150su
    Berny 50:40 150su