Friday 03-09-12

10 Responses

  1. Gaby

    Lacey and Lesley!! Thanks so much to both of you for helping me push through my mental block with those box jumps! I couldnt have done it without you!! You both ROCK! This isnt the first time they encouraged me and helped me do my best

  2. Lacey

    Aw, Gaby! Thank you <3 Not only did you get over your mental block, you did 5+ rounds of box jumps! Great job girl!

  3. FYI guys and gals…I came back late last night and the 730pm class was killing it. Great group of people. I encourage some of you 530 and 630pm-ers to check it out.

    I also Joe B and Edwin kicking some EXTRA ass running together…when you find a training partner, you always get fitter faster. Great Job guys!

  4. Susan 10+2 dl (1 pood,115#,20″)
    Marguarite 8+11 (10#,75#,rr)
    Nirav 10 (1.5 pood,225#,30″)
    Sergio 11 (1.5 pood,225#,24″)
    Jamie 8 (abmat) you stud you:)
    cindy ? (1 pood,95#,24″)
    Merill 6 (20min, 1 pood,185#,24″)
    Robert g. 8+2 dl (1.5 pood,245#)
    Autumn 6 (155#,sub kb for pull ups)
    Adrianne 7 (1 pood,125#,45# sp)
    Nick P. 4+5 hspu (abmat)
    Jon s. 6+2 dl (275#,5 negative hspu/abmat)

  5. Luis 6rx

    Ana 11+2dl
    Joe B. 8
    Michelle 7+1dl
    natalie 13 First class!
    Jana V 15+11kb
    Mark 10+2dl
    Jesse 12
    Mel 12+1dl
    Raymond 15+11kb
    Ron 7+2dl
    Craig 10+2dl
    Jason A. 8
    Ari 9+5hspu
    Ryan 10+1dl

  6. Sarah Zuber 13 (#20, #65, box)
    Daniel Paraiso 9 (1 pood, #135, box)
    Jackie Hall 9 (+ 11 kettle and 1 deadlift)
    Ashleigh 4 (1 pood, 185#, 1 abmat after 2nd round)
    Anthony 7 RX

    18min AMRAP
    250m row, 10 burpees, 20 sit ups
    Brandon-7rnds +3 sit ups
    Binley-7rnds + 9 burpees

  7. phillip 11+2kb 275 dl,1.5 pood, box hspu
    Joe B. 9rds+11kb(2pood), #315, box hspu
    Rachel 10 rounds (65 lbs) 8lbs kettle
    Joyce 10 rounds (65lbs) 35lbs kettle/ box
    Edwin 11 rounds PR 225lbs dl 1.5 pd box hspu
    Abel 8 Rounds + 3 HSPU’s Rx