Friday 01-17-14

18 Responses

  1. Bobby R

    A. EMOM x5 TnG S Snatch 95#
    B. C+J AMRAP in 30 sec rest 1:30
    205# 1, fail second jerk, 2, 1 failed second jerk
    185# 3,3,3
    155# 5,6,6
    C. Didn’t do
    D. 5×1 strict MU with wall ball
    4,6,10,16,20# wall ball
    12:04 Rx

  2. Joe Stegner

    Travel wods
    10 rounds of 10 v-ups and 10 burpees (10:20)
    21-15-9 walking lunges (both legs) hspu (9:41.5)
    21-15-9 air squats push ups (2:41)

  3. Milk

    Jenn G.

    A. 65-75-75-85-90
    B. 155#- 1 clean, failed jerk, 1,1
    135# – 3,3,3
    95# – 7,8,9
    C. 115-115-135-135-135
    D. Skipped
    E. 15:07 rx – shoulders are smoked

  4. A.75-75-75-85-85
    B.155# (2+1, 1+1 Failed Jerk, 2+1)
    135# (4,4,4)
    95# (8,8,8)
    C.Skip Hip is bugging
    D.5×1 mu w/kip
    C.12:45 rx + (85#) That was tougher than it looked

  5. Ryan McClintock

    A. 95
    225 (1,0,0)
    185 (3,3,4)
    135 (7,8,8)
    C. 155
    D. close, but no dice.
    E. 15:24RX, 2 of 9, completed rest of rounds thanks to Sean and Craig pushing me.

  6. Joyce

    A) 65lbs working on getting under bar faster or catching the bar as I’m dropping..
    B) 145 (1,1,1) 135 (2,2,2) 95 (6,7,7)
    C) 105 red band
    D) skipped
    E) 14:18 bar muscle ups (only failed twice, that’s progress) 80#

  7. Edge
    A.) 95#
    B.) 155#: 1+clean, 2, 1+clean (was failing second jerk)
    135# 4,4,4
    95# 8,9,9
    C.) 75-95# blue band
    D.) worked on mu
    E.) ran out of time