Friday 01-03-14

18 Responses

  1. Jenn G.

    emom x 10
    3 squat clean @ 115 + 6 c2b, dropped to 4 c2b after 5th round

    Emom x 10
    12 cal row + 3 deficit hspu with blue plates, dropped to 10 cal row then 8 cal row

    Emom x 10
    Odd – 10 back squat 115, then went to 100 2nd time around
    Even – 5 front squat 100

    Emom x 10
    Odd- :15 L-sit
    Even- 10 push ups

  2. Coach Craig

    Chris 90 cal
    Tracy 108 cal
    Aiesha 95 cal
    Monica 105 cal
    Kristen 116 cal
    Bresee 121 cal
    Schwaby 130 cal
    Maggie 107 cal
    Linnie 133 cal
    Alex C. 130 cal
    Paul S. 148 cal

    10 am
    Peggie 91 cal
    Brett 96 cal
    Binley 120 cal
    Jenn 102 cal
    Hilda 95


    Joe H. 150 cal
    Mark M. 120 cal
    Craig G. 151 cal
    Jenn 116 cal
    Margie 98 cal

    4 pm

    Scott Z. 112 cal
    Andrea 106 cal
    Julie 102 cal
    Leslie 110 cal

  3. Mike V

    Round 1&2 155clean/10C2B
    Rest 135/6

    1st Rd 15/3
    2nd 12/3
    rest 10/3
    (deficit 4″)

    115 for both front and back squat. Too easy.

    5 single arm ring ext on MU rings
    15s Lsit

  4. JD

    A. All rds at 135#. 5rds 10 c2b, 2 rds 7 c2b, 3 rds 6 c2b
    B. All 10 cal row 4″ deficit
    C. Skipped
    D. Did :15 sec L sit on the minute but fell behind. Took me about 14 or 15 minutes.

  5. Joyce

    Edge: (Did yesterday)
    A) EMOTM x 10min
    3 squat cleans (135lbs) chest to bars (6,6,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3)
    B) EMOTM x10 min only did 12 cal row (HSPU, yeah right)
    C) EMOTM x10 min/ ODD: 10 back squats (135lbs) EVEN: 5 front squats (135lbs) first 3 rds….then dropped to (130lbs), form was compromised.
    D) Started and something in my arm pit felt like it blew up

  6. Scott

    A. 135 and 6 (only did 7 rnds busted nose on C2B cleaned up blood)
    B. 10cal-3@4″ (took 10:48 no rest just work)
    C. 115 front-back ( to easy)
    D. :15 L-sit 5 ring ext

  7. Dan Mielke


    A. 155lbs and 6 C2B (too easy, wussed out)
    B. 13cal + 3HSPU at 4″ deficit (strict)(probably good)
    C. 155 (8min) then 185 (last 2min) (should of did 185 the entire way)
    D. Done (although those DBL extensions aren’t pretty.

    I actually want to do this again and try it at 185lbs for all 4 sections..

  8. Craig N.


    A. 135# + 9 C2B. Unbroken and all around 23 sec.
    B. 10 cal + 3 strick deficit HSPU
    All I had time for

  9. Meagann

    A. 115# cleans ( pulls ups got messed up but did 6 first 4 rds ten went to 5 and then went to 3)
    B. 10 cal row and HSPU
    C. 105#
    D. Done

  10. Paul Saavedra


    A. 135# 6C2B last three rnds, 3 C2B
    B. total Cal 148. missed last row by 2 cal. push up with class
    D. not completed.

  11. Peyton Gregory


    A. 115# x 3 for the first 4 rounds then dropped to 105#; 6 c2b for first 4 rounds then did sets of 3 and 4..

    B. 8 cal row; 3 deficit hspu with 45# plates did all ten rounds continuously but finished around the 16min mark..
    C. First round 115# for front squats and back squats then dropped to 95# for remainder..
    D. Completed emom x 10 ring extensions and 15sec L sit

  12. Mike

    Mike C.
    135# 6 C2B all rounds
    10 cal all rounds 45# black plates HSPU
    115# back and front squat messed up first and second round did 10 back + 5 front squat in 1 minute.

  13. Bobby Redondo


    A. 135# x 3… 10 c2b for first 3 rounds then 2 rds of 6 c2b then 5 rds of 2 c2b.

    B. emom x 10 Row 10 cal, 3 deficit hspu with 45# plate

    C. Emom X 10 115# for front squat and bs

    D competed L sits and ring extensions

  14. Ryan McClintock

    A. 135 and 6 (missed 2 pu on round 9 and 1 pu on round 10, pull ups were weak)
    B. 10 cal -3 w/45 pound plates (took ~11min to finish all 10 rounds)
    C. 115 front-back
    D. 15 sec L-sit 5 ring ext

  15. Linnie and Maggie 22:26rx
    Craig and Edwin 24:11
    Lou and JD 23:38
    Jen and Randi 21:55
    Brandon and Corey 15:00
    Austin and Matt 20:19
    Margarita and Paul 24:51
    Michelle and Jess 26:25
    Cindy and Kristen 19:48
    Yadie and Aubrey 23:13
    Rachel and Julie 24:27
    Ana and Nancy 24:35
    Frank and Alex 23:04