Thursday 05-03-12

7 Responses

  1. 9am
    josh p. DUs (160), WOD: 8 rounds + 4 WBs RX+(30″BJs)
    Jamie: DU 19, 5 rd + 15 WB and 8 Burpies
    Susan 27 du,6+11 wb (4#,sit ups)
    Chris 172 su, 5 (6#,step ups)
    Casey 45 du, 5+2 burpees
    Toni 15 du, 5+6 wb rx
    Mike V. 235 du, 8+7 wb rx
    Kaleb 61 du, 7+1 wb rx
    Ailee 20 su, 3+3 bj
    Mike G. 367 su, 8+2 wb
    Sergio 240 su,5+2 wb
    Autumn 124 du, 6 rx
    Rich 10 du, 4+15 wb
    Joe 🙂

  2. Scott

    Try everything on sale all SKINS
    Long sleeve tops 63.00
    Long bottoms 77.00
    Power sox 26.00
    Just remember limited sizes,you can’t beat the prices.

  3. 330 Class:

    Double unders / Rounds

    luis c – 5rnds + 3 burpees — 220 DU rx
    britney- 5rnds
    drew 260 su/ 4 round + 10 wall balls
    Maddie 200 4rnds
    Jessy 121 su mostly 5 rounds 15 wb 4 burpees
    wes 240 8rnds + 10 WB
    Joe Joe 4rnds + 8 burpees
    Jon P. 249 DU / 10 rounds + 2 burpee
    62 DU 5 rounds 2 burpees plus some extras
    LaMarre 210 DU / 8 Rounds RX
    Brandon 199 DU/ 6 rounds + 2 box jumps
    Chris M 72 DU 5 rnds + 1 wall ball
    rique 5rds/145 du
    Mike C. rnds 15 wall balls 10 burpees
    binley 106 du 4rnds +8wb rx
    Jamie 210 su 5rnds +10wb 20 inch box
    Mike J: Tabata 20d/u, 6rds+13wb rx

  4. 530
    Abel 128 reps (5RNDS + 3 BJS)
    Nate L: 125 DU / 5rds + 10 burpees Rx
    Mark M 10 Du/90 Su / 4 Rds +1 WB Round
    Craig G 97DU 5rds 10Burpees
    Ryan 101 DU 6 Rds
    Robin 62du 6rds + 14wb (modified: 10, 20″)
    Krystal: Good singles :), (mod 10×4)