Brit May 26, 2012 at 4:48 pm at home WOD: totals air squats: 161 sit-ups: 82 walking lunges: 124 burpees: 61
1 min rest. also. toes to elbows.
Happy birthday Adriane!!
500 sit ups. Done!
500 situps done! Back squats!
118, 98, 109, 47
Few more situps left to do….
at home WOD: totals
air squats: 161
sit-ups: 82
walking lunges: 124
burpees: 61
Corey: 117, 109, 116, 52
Ruthie: 110, 101, 81, 50
Nice WOD numbers guys!
Finished 500 sit ups.
Trevor and I both did our 500 situps.
Power cleans!
Erin helping me lift heavy things like that tire. She’s badass.