Tuesday 7-7-15

10 Responses

  1. 6:00 a.m.

    Eli A. 85/ B. 24:30 mod/ hh 5,5,5
    Todd A. 115 B. 23:48 mod/ hh 5,5,5
    Tim A. 135 B. 25:31 mod hspu ab mat 24, 24, 24
    DJ Lou A. 125 B. 25:43 mod hspu 20, 15, 5

  2. Jenn G.

    Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
    Minute 1 – Strict Toes to Bar x 8 reps @ 3110
    Minute 2 – Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
    Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 50 reps

    Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
    Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
    130# for 8 sets

    Strict Overhead Press
    * Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50#
    * Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60#
    * Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70#
    * Sets 4-9 – 3 reps @ 85#
    * Set 10 – 10 reps @ 75#

    Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) of:
    Row 500 Meters
    25/20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
    Run 400 Meters

    7:20 – did 10 strict hspu
    14:38 – did 10 strict hspu
    23:35 – did 15 strict hspu

  3. 9ners

    CASEY = A. 80# B. 18:21 (20# DB SP)
    Monica A.OHS and situps B. 21:26 mod
    krista A:65×2 70×2 75×4 B: 21:35 strict press
    shelby A:65×2 70×2 75×4 B: 22:59 handstand/strict press
    olga A: 65×2 75×2 80X3 85×1 B: 22:33 handstand/strict press #25
    Andrea A. 65×2 75×2 80×3 85×1 B. 20:25 strict press 20#

  4. 10am

    CASEY 17:01 (20 PUSH UPS)
    Bobby 18:26 rx 185#
    Micheal 22:06 mod
    Emil 21:40 mod
    Melissa 26:55 mod
    Rachel 26:19 rx
    Varnum 17:48 rx 185#
    Amanda 22:41 mod 10 w/2 abmat/10 db
    Jess 22:55 mod
    Josh 20:20 rx 235#
    Joe 23:36 2 abmat
    Racheal 25:10 1 abmat

  5. 3 pm

    Abraham 95# 19:53 mod
    Brian 165# 20:43 mod
    Clark 22:54 125#
    Susanne 65# 18:15 mod

    4 pm

    JD 255# 22:25 rx strict hspu
    Holly 21:43 mod 100#
    Dugas 175# 26:48 rx strict
    Soraya 75# 17:57 mod
    Craig 135# 24:45 mod
    jodi 18:10 rx
    Anna 19:56 rx

  6. 5 PM

    Matthew R 165# 26:56 2 ab mats

    Amanda – 22:52 mod
    Ryan R – 24:28 mod
    Sylvia-23:06 mod
    Adam 22:41
    Jess F: 33:25 (2 ab mats)
    Bryant 25:00 mod


    Trent A. #155 B. 17:20 Mod
    sarab A. 135 B.17:59 mod
    Brett A. #155 B. 17:11 mod
    Alex M. 18:31 mod
    Candace 16:35 mod
    Michael 19:56 mod
    Fabiola P 18:50 mod
    Deanna B. A. 60 B. 24:34
    Tom B. A. 105 B. 24:05