Alessa 20:53 65# mod
Candace 55# 20:50 mod
Fabiola 27:47 25# mod
Iliana 27:00 60# step ups
Jmaes 26:28 95# mod
Jessica 25:15 55# mod
Jonathan 21:09 135# mod
Kaelin 27:10 125#
Mike C. 18:23 RX
Rachel B. 18:07 85# mod
Ryan R. 30:00 75# mod
Todd 29:25 155#
Tracy 18:20 55# mod
Trent 24:49 95# mod
Michelle 24:37 65# mod
Emil 22:47 60#
Todd H: 22:43 Mod
Kat S : 23:54 Mod
Jenn G.
A. 95-105-115-125-130-135-145-150
Every minute, on the minute…
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 1 rep – 90
*Set 2 – 50% x 1 rep – 110
*Set 3 – 60% x 1 rep – 135
*Set 4 – 70% x 1 rep – 155
*Set 5 – 80% x 1 rep – 175
and then….
Every 2 minutes…
*Set 6 – 85% x 1 rep – 185
*Set 7 – 90% x 1 rep – 200
*Set 8 – 95% x 1 rep – 210
Four sets for times of:
100 Double-Unders
10 Front Squats 145#
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
4:15, 4:54, 4:51, 4:57
Three sets of:
Dimmels x 12 reps @ 50-60% of 1-RM Deadlift – 155#
Banded March + Weighted Anterior Loading x 2:30
For those of us on vacation
(A) 4rds
800 meter run
50 Double Unders
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
(B) 800 meter long board paddle
(C) 2 hour surf session
Adan 155, 34:48 su/185
Alex 145, 34:43 115
Bill 145, 35:22 su/115/g
Evangelina 85, 22:35 su/85/b
Joe 155, su/135
Olga 80, su/55/b
Marguerite 45, 16:32 mod
Chris 65, 18:07 su/50/g
Cari 70, 29:02 su/75/b
Julie 55, 33:44 75/r
Maynard 135, 16:28 su/115
Nina 45, su/45/rr
Abe 75, su/145
Racheal 100, 26:59 75#
Alex M. 75, 26:24 du att/45/g
Will surf WODS go in to regular programming rotation? Super-jealous Craig.
Shelly 14:19 105#
Lil D 9:51 mod
Mark B= so fast that he doesn’t remember his time 🙂
Mark M= 🙂
Susanne= 19:17 #35/ Ring rows
JD= 19:22 RX
Holly= 21:47 mod
Dugas= 38:50 RX
Matt F=25:45 RX
Corey= 24:07 rx
Amanda= 22:18 MOD
Payton=30:45 #105
Bobby= 22:25 RX
Craigers 16:52
Adam= 28:07 #155
Cano= 24:18 #135
Cindy 27:25 #95
Jessika 25:33 #105
Nick F 29:52 RX
Ruthie 20:43 #75
Sidd 24:58 #95
Mike V 23:07 RX
JessV 25:18
kevin= 28:34 #95
Mike C. #135,#145,#155,#185 18:23rx
Alessa 20:53 65# mod
Candace 55# 20:50 mod
Fabiola 27:47 25# mod
Iliana 27:00 60# step ups
Jmaes 26:28 95# mod
Jessica 25:15 55# mod
Jonathan 21:09 135# mod
Kaelin 27:10 125#
Mike C. 18:23 RX
Rachel B. 18:07 85# mod
Ryan R. 30:00 75# mod
Todd 29:25 155#
Tracy 18:20 55# mod
Trent 24:49 95# mod
Michelle 24:37 65# mod
Emil 22:47 60#