Jenn G. 28:03rx
Steven S. 23:45rx
Ryan O 23:58 135 on Bar, (10 pull-ups/Rings dips)
jamie: 25:49 MOD
Louie: 29:01 105# mod muscle up
brittani 27:22 blu ctb 55# pull-up ring dip
john g 28:50 125, mod mu
Tim : 32:04 MOD
Lauren 28:11 mod
Kacey 23:21 #55/#14 mod
Margie 21:05 #45 MOD
Aiesha 24:19 45# mod
Jessika 28:46 #45 mod
Chris 25:35 mod
Ricky 23:43
Michelle 31:37 #45 Mod
Marguerite 22:11 mod to half
Alex C 26:40 mod 115# Clean, 95# Jerk, 75# Snatch
Shelb 29:38 45, thin green-knees
Andrea 29:27 #55
Anna L 29:07 #55
wesley 22:13RX
Mike V 25:15 RX
Alexa 38:55 (all muscle ups rx!!!!)
Meagann 30:38 rx (bar mu)
Peggie 35 bar knee up ring rows 15 burpees step ups 21:26
Chris O.: 29:28 115# first time with MU in a WOD. Yeah Buddy!
Dugas: 45:45 135# on the snatch
Jenn G. 28:03rx
Steven S. 23:45rx
Ryan O 23:58 135 on Bar, (10 pull-ups/Rings dips)
jamie: 25:49 MOD
Louie: 29:01 105# mod muscle up
brittani 27:22 blu ctb 55# pull-up ring dip
john g 28:50 125, mod mu
Tim : 32:04 MOD
Lauren 28:11 mod
Kacey 23:21 #55/#14 mod
Margie 21:05 #45 MOD
Aiesha 24:19 45# mod
Jessika 28:46 #45 mod
Chris 25:35 mod
Ricky 23:43
Michelle 31:37 #45 Mod
Marguerite 22:11 mod to half
Alex C 26:40 mod 115# Clean, 95# Jerk, 75# Snatch
Shelb 29:38 45, thin green-knees
Andrea 29:27 #55
Anna L 29:07 #55
Joyce 35:06 RX
Michael Bahu 31:40 not RX
Racheal 33:05
Shelly 25:31 rx
Joyce 35:06 RX
MIlk 25:48rx
wesley 22:13RX
Mike V 25:15 RX
Alexa 38:55 (all muscle ups rx!!!!)
Meagann 30:38 rx (bar mu)
Peggie 35 bar knee up ring rows 15 burpees step ups 21:26
Chris O.: 29:28 115# first time with MU in a WOD. Yeah Buddy!
Dugas: 45:45 135# on the snatch
JD – 23:55 rx
Mike C. 23:11rx
emmanuel 30:30 rx
Nick 43:50 Mod #115
Sylvia 32:32 Mod #35
Shayne 36:09 125#
Jordan Cano: 31:42 Rx except for weight #85
Luis Bermudez: 33:47 RX
42:19 modified mu