Jamie: a-#95 B-#65
Yvonne 20#
Maggie 35# A, B 25#
Todd H: #45 #245
Steven S. 185# rx
Danielle U. #40
A Pula a. 75# b. 65# modified CTB
Proline a. 80# b. RX
Adriana 40#
Luis B. 285#PR/135#
Aubrey 115#PR/65#
Corey 175#PR/95#
Todd 255#PR/135#
Matt F. 215#PR/115#
Brett 35#/15#
Mike Lee 105#PR/75#
Olga 50#/40#
Luis R. 155#PR/75#
Jamie: a-#95 B-#65
Yvonne 20#
Maggie 35# A, B 25#
Todd H: #45 #245
Steven S. 185# rx
Danielle U. #40
A Pula a. 75# b. 65# modified CTB
Proline a. 80# b. RX
Adriana 40#
CASEY – 90 LBS. PR 🙂 / (45 LBS./LT PURP.)
Chris – 65 lbs PR (35/gr)
Krista- 55lbs
Jason 125 / mod
Marguerite 15# green band
Shelby 55# / 35#/grn
Veronica 55# / 45#/blu
Joe H. 165# / RX
Andrea 55#/35# blue
Amanda 45/35
Maynard 95/55
Marcos 165/95
Peyton 105/65
Bobby 185/RX
Anna 125/65
Scott 155/RX
Dylan 75/45
Alonso 45/35
On the road in Cincinnati. Dropped in to Crossfit Cornerstone. Great group, but they’re no CFRC.
5×2 OHS 115#
5×3 Strict L Pullup
EMOM for 15: 1 Power snatch, 1 Hang Squat snatch. Can’t drop bar between movements. 115#
A. 235
B. Rx
yesterdays WOD 8:26 #85
Luis B. 285#PR/135#
Aubrey 115#PR/65#
Corey 175#PR/95#
Todd 255#PR/135#
Matt F. 215#PR/115#
Brett 35#/15#
Mike Lee 105#PR/75#
Olga 50#/40#
Luis R. 155#PR/75#
Look at all those PR’s!!! awesome job everyone