Wednesday 05-02-12

12 Responses

  1. Brit

    brittani’s birthday WOD:
    400m run
    41 pull-ups
    41 back squats
    400m run
    41 sit-ups
    41 box jumps
    41 push press
    400m run
    thx Coach Nick and 6a.m.ers for cheering me on…best way to start a b-day 🙂

  2. Clean & Jerk weight, meters, lowest rnd squats

    Christine 65# She’s coming back tonight for the wod:)
    Toni 670,8
    Chris 675,95 total
    Rich 155#,820,9
    Frank 145#,772,15
    Jamie 753,12
    Jake 115#,811,15
    Janette 530,8
    Adriane 645,10
    Todd 802,7
    Jon S. 165#,800,13
    Nick P. 195#,750,13
    Megan 95#,776,14
    Nicole 35#x3,475,9

  3. Jon S

    Anyone interested have four field level tickets for tomorrow nights Angels vs Bluejays game. Call me if interested 626 217 8323

  4. 3:30

    400 meter run,
    21 thrusters and pull ups
    300 meter run
    15 thrusters and pull ups
    200 meter run
    9 thrusters and pull ups

    Meagann 13:03 at 65#
    Brandon 10:16 RX

    Landon #160 C&J, 878m, 12 reps
    joiette 60lbs, dont know, 5 reps
    Gilbert#135 c&j, 914m, 12reps
    Jana V #45, 684m, 10reps
    Mark T., 95#, 815M, 10 squats
    Nathan S. – #155, 11 squats, 863M
    Craig N. #185, 15 squats, 907m
    Kaleb #165, 15 squats, 936m
    Ailee #65, 13 squats, 753m
    Tom #135, 15 squats, 810m
    JoeJoe #185 9 squats 893m
    Armando #165 15 squats 856m
    Erin 145# then Mondays wod 9:34rx
    Cat 55# 676m 11 squats
    LO 35# 576M 7 squats

  5. 1630
    Erin 145#, 804 meters, 126 squats
    binley 95# 751meters 13squats
    Kristine #65 721 m 12 squats
    Cheryl #80, 676m, 14sq
    Krystal #60, 670,8sq
    Tanya #135, 838m, 14sq
    Anthony #185 872 meters 12 squats
    Sergio #165 pw clns only, 849m 13sqts
    Jesse #150 848 meters, 9 squats
    Dan #125 919 m, 10 squats

  6. 1730

    Stephany B- row #770 Squats 11 clean n jerk#45
    Ana P row 675, squat 13, 65#
    Brandon E: row 877, Squats 11 clean and jerks # 135
    Damion R. Row 914m, squats 11, clean and jerk 175
    rique 175#, 10sq, 857m
    ron 135# 949row 10sq
    Thomas 125# 877 row 12 squats
    Leslie J #726 11 squats
    Jamie #115, 15 squats, 745 meters
    Dustin – BDayWOD 28 – 22:32 Thruster#65,

  7. 630 claSS

    Rachel R- 14 / 747 meter
    Mike F: 125#, Row-855m, Squat-12
    Ashleigh 95#, 815 m, 14 squats
    katie 45#, 618m, 11 squats
    John G 135#, 905m, 14
    misty 75#, 777m, 11squats

  8. 730 class

    Matt F. Row 933 squats 12
    Edwin Row 869 squats 15
    Corey 945 row squats 10
    Cliff #185 863 row squats 14
    Gerry #125 760 row 12 squats
    Todd Porter: 915Row 17 squats
    Jason Alexander 205# 869 ROW 8 squats