Wednesday 03-20-13

18 Responses

  1. 16:00 Class

    LaMarre 14:08 Rx
    Chris O. 17:54 RX/ 30 T2B
    Sotro 14:28 Rx/ 26 T2B
    Bresee 18:12 (every 3 d.u.)/13 T2B
    Craig G 18:23 RX/ 21 T2B


    Mike F 19:05 RX / 36 T2B
    Heidi- 23:35 rx/ 20 T2B
    Rachel- 25:56 singles/ 18 T2B
    Iliana 21:59 singles/16T2B
    Peggie 28:14, Box steps single unders, 70 knee lifts

  2. Cecy

    Just wanted to congratulate Liz Cano for getting her first RX toes to bar tonight and last week she got FOUR RX pull-ups. Good job friend!!