Tuesday 10-02-12

19 Responses

  1. Chris Sotro

    My go to has to be a Chick-fil-a grilled chicken sandwich protein style with a fruit cup. Thanks Cory! Also, I may have left a pair of Rogue wrist wraps in the gym on Friday. If you picked them up or happen to see them let me know. Thanks

  2. 5AM
    Jonathan Martinez: Bench 200# x1, 210# x1, 215# x1, 220# Fail, 215# x 1
    After party: 12 Reps Push Jerk @32 Seconds

    Brittani 1 mile run #65 7 rds 18:25
    Jonathan Martinez: 1 Mile; 6 Rds + 6 Reps @135# RX

  3. Katie

    Thanks, Gaby! That was a tough day for me but it was great having a cheering section pushing me to finish! 🙂

  4. 3:00
    Kaleb 7rds 115# 17:45
    brandon 6rds #95 18:01
    Jana V: 4 rds #65 15:31
    peyton 7 rds 85# 18:09
    Bryant 6 rds rx> 17:50
    Ari 8 rds 50# 20:11
    Matt F. 7rds rx 17:32
    Mike C. 7rds rx 15:07
    Craig G: 7rds 5 reps 17:30
    Dave J 9rnds rx 18:23
    Drew 8rds rx 25:02
    Joyce 20 back squats 85#/20 GHD’s 5 rds/ 19:49

    Schwaby 85nds +5 RX 16:07
    Jamie 8rds rx 19:26
    Portia 4 5rounds rx 24:29
    Mike L. 6+2 Rounds RX 14:41

  5. 5PM

    Mike F 125#, 5 rnds + 5, 16:20
    patty F 65 , 7 rounds 16″10
    Kristine 55# 7 rounds 19:55
    T. Widick 7 rounds modified 20:47
    Jodie 6rds RX 16:32
    jackie V 8 rounds 35# 22:00
    Anthony 7 rounds hang clean and snatch 135# 21:48
    Berny 6rds + 6 #105 22:59

  6. 6pm
    Jackie H: #55 20:30 8 rounds
    Heidi 15:47 8 rounds #65 sub burpees with knee pu
    Rachel R- 20:52 8 rounds #65
    Jordan C: 17:28 7 rounds #65
    M. Lee 15:25 7 rounds #75
    Nina #45 X8 18:30
    Chris C: 7 rds #75 19:15

  7. 7pm
    phillip 9rnds RX 20:22
    Corey 7 rounds rx 17:23
    nicole: 8rounds 35lbs 28:02
    John Kay: 9rnds@65lbs 29:36
    Randy 6 rounds @ 115lbs 24:50
    Raquel 10 rounds 45# 30:42
    Todd Porter: 8rnds +3 19:27Total Time
    Ru: 9 rounds 45#, 20:26
    Coach Erik: 12+8 Rx’d