Brit 5 rds+ 7 pp 35# (rom on t2b) 5:12 18#
Matt 4 rds 115# sub back squat for ohs at the end
Mike 5rds+7 pp 95#, 6:10 rx
Josh 3rds+10 t2b (rom) 65#/45#, 5:22 1 pood
Nathan 4rds+7 sq 65#, 5:02 1 pood
Is that Coach Mike out there in the rain lending some moral support and coaching guidance…? That’s what I like to see in my coaches!! If the members are running in the elements…the coaches are in the elements..
That’s why CFRC is so great. The coaching is definitely above and beyond what you find at other gyms. : ]
Brit 5 rds+ 7 pp 35# (rom on t2b) 5:12 18#
Matt 4 rds 115# sub back squat for ohs at the end
Mike 5rds+7 pp 95#, 6:10 rx
Josh 3rds+10 t2b (rom) 65#/45#, 5:22 1 pood
Nathan 4rds+7 sq 65#, 5:02 1 pood
Is that Coach Mike out there in the rain lending some moral support and coaching guidance…? That’s what I like to see in my coaches!! If the members are running in the elements…the coaches are in the elements..
That’s why CFRC is so great. The coaching is definitely above and beyond what you find at other gyms. : ]
Jana V 5Rds +10 OHS (15/35, K2C)
Melissa 4Rds +1 K2C (35/95, K2C) c/o 4:51 RX
Matt 3Rds +8 OHS (95) c/o 7:35 RX
Brandon 3Rds (115 then 95 at the very end) c/o 6:18RX
Jesse 3Rds +7 PP (45/95 K2C) c/o 4:54 18#
Joe Joe 2Rds +7 PP RX! 🙂
Craig 3 (85#) c/o 6:37 rx
Frank 4 (85#) c/o 5:25 rx
Tanya 3 rx
Josh P. 5 (95#) c/o 4:55 (1 pood)
Brett 3+8 ohs (55#) c/o 5:04 rx
Dave J. 3+1 pp rx c/o 6:18 rx
Jodie 3+7PP ( 7 power cleans,10 push press) c/o 4:15 rx
Lesley 3+6 ohs (55#) c/o 5:55 rx
Gaby 4+1 t2b (50#) c/o 6:44 rx
Cindy 3+7 pp (55#,hk) c/o 9:01 rx
Toni 5+7 pp (45#, sub ohs for back sq) c/o 5:12 (20#)
Jamie 5+7 pp (35#)
Kaleb 4 (85#) c/o 7:13 rx
Ailee 4 (45#) c/o 7:50 (20#)
Joyce 5 (15#,45#, hk) c/o 5:35 (20#)
Raymond 5+7 pp (75#, sub ohs/ back sq) c/o 5:58 (1 pood)
Dubby 4 (95#) c/o 7:00 (1 pood)
Edwin 4 (45#, hk) c/o 6:16 (20#)
Susan 4+2 ohs (25#) c/o 5:35 (20#)
Drew 3+10 t2b (95#) c/o 6:36 rx
Josh H. 4+8 ohs rx c/o 5:47 rx
Autumn 4 (65#) c/o 6:03 rx
Jason A 4Rds (Sub OHS W/ Burpee)
Ivy 5Rds +10 OHS (35) c/o 8:18RX 🙂
Anna 4Rds +5 T2B (65) c/o 6:29RX
Cheryl 3Rds +4 OHS (40)
Suttles 3Rds +7 PP (55)
Jesse 3Rds +3 OHS (95) c/o 9:26 RX
Tom 3Rds +7 PP (95/45) c/o 7:11 (1p)
Nirav 4Rds +13 T2B (85) c/o 8:03 (1P/1.5P)
Luis 3Rds (135/95) c/o 7:12 RX
Dee – 4rnds + 6 Push Press RX
Dustin -4rnds+ 7PP+ 2OHS 65lbs – CO:100CBS 35lb
JD – 4 rds + 7 pp + 4 ohs 200 sit ups 6:46
Todd – 3 rds 8 t2b RX CO – 7:47rx
Brad- 5 rnds 85# 15 30 situps CO 7:00 1 pod
Eric G- 3 rnds 5 push press 115# C/O-4:57 1 pod
Jamie – 4 rnds + 10 OHS, 75#, High Knees, C/O-5:28RX
Geramie B- 4rnds + 10 OHS RX C/O 200 SIT-UPS
lizette 7 rds+4ohs 35#/15# high knees, 4:50 18#
nick- 4 rds 65#/45#, 6:30 1 pood
trevor w-4 rds+ 10 t2b 95#, 65#, 5:58 situps
Lacey 5 rounds (55#), 8:30 50 GHD+100 ab mat sit ups
wayne 3 rds+13 knees to elbows (75#) CO 9:00
Joe B. 3 rounds + 3 knees to elbows(+135pp;95ohs) c/o rx-10:18
Kelsy – 3rnds + 9 OHS (65#) CO 6:40 1 pood