Tuesday 01-14-14

28 Responses

  1. Jess Fuller

    Sunday’s Edge WOD completed 1/13
    A. 9 rounds @ 85# (scaled a lot to do more rounds)
    B. 50 pull-ups at 13 min (ran into class time)

  2. Joyce

    A) 85 felt easy, but technique technique!!
    B) just a bunch of HSPU practice bcuz I suck
    C) 135,145 neck hurt
    D) 30-20-10 (65lbs) sub HSPU w/35lb DB push press

    also did: 25/20/15/10/5 GHD/windshield wipers (95lbs)
    Tabatha hollow rocks

  3. Milk

    A. 185
    B. 225 (EMOM x7 1PC+1pause fsquat+1jerk)
    C. 5 (strict) 6 (Kip)
    D. 275
    E. 14:42 (it could of been 12:42). Don’t remember:(

  4. 6 pm

    Jackie 13:37 mod
    Emmitt 6:58 mod
    Tracy 11:51 mod
    Raquel 8:00 mod
    Patti 11:10 mod
    Johanna 10:43 mod
    LL 12:46 mod
    Nina 11:49 mod
    Iliana 13:55 mod
    Amanda 13:08 mod
    Dan 12:25 mod

  5. JD

    A. 185# missed both reps on rd 2 so I did a extra rd at the end.
    B. Skipped
    C. Skipped
    D. 245#
    E. 16:24 rx really need to work some volume HSPU

  6. Meagann

    A. 95×2, 105×5
    B. haha funny. tried it out but didnt happen
    C. 165# across
    D. 20:31 RX 30-20-10…. agree with JD need to do volume HSPU for sure!

  7. 1: 65# (should have done 75#)
    2: 4 kipping w/o paralette 🙁
    3: 115#
    4: 28:36 @ 65#; HSPU: 30,10,5 w/2 mats (HSPU took me forever with many, many failed attempts)

  8. Ryan McClintock

    A. 115#. Needs major form improvement.
    B. 1 (strict), 4 (kipping).
    C. 185#.
    D. 16:14. Died and went to HSPU hell.