Thursday 09-13-12

16 Responses

  1. 9:00 A.M.
    Jeff H – 22:18 Beginner
    Nic P: intermediate – 28:20
    Albert – 35:00ish Beginner w/7rds
    Rich P.- 36:55 inter
    Chris Co – 38:44 beginner 7 rds 45#
    Gaby 34:49 Advanced
    Autumn 33:01 Advanced
    Kristen M. 31:50 Intermediate 55#
    Meagann 37:20 Advanced
    Brandon 41:25 Advanced

    Erik R: 27:27 Intermediate 70#
    BrendaR: 29:01 15# beginner
    Monica 32:18 45# beginner +2 rds
    Brandon 30:01 Intermediate Last round #45
    josh 41 advanced
    Stephani: 41:12 intermediate (last 3 rds 45#)

  2. Coach Nancy

    Hey Guys – Somehow the time of last nights 7:00 class went away to the internet world so if you are in the challenge can you please repost your Jackie time on yesterdays blog- thanks

  3. Ari – Intermediate 36:10 w/55#
    Thomas: Intermediate Rx 36:46
    Leslie J – intermediate 34:27 45 lbs
    Jamie Elite 38:37
    Team Pain: 37:44 int
    Matt F. 43:23 adv.
    Mike F 41:29, 95#
    T. Widick 33:00 MOD 65lBS

  4. 1800 Class

    LaMarre: 33:17 Advanced Rx
    Kristine: 38:28
    Wayne: 40:20 95#
    Anna P: 35:52 65#
    Ann Marie: 34:00 45# beginner
    jason c. 29:00 inter..
    Mark M 28:23 Inter. #65
    Chris C: 40:03 Inter. #85 c/o 500m row
    Ashleigh 37:22 75#
    Valentina 42:28 45# intermediate
    Anthony 43:00 advanced

  5. Cliff B-Day WOD
    38 min AMRAP
    9 Squat Clean Thrusters
    13 Man Makers @ #35
    400 Meter Run
    38 Calorie Row

    Cliff 3 #135 RX rounds 11 man makers #35 RX
    Jonathan M: 4 Rounds #95 + 10 Man Makers #35 RX
    Edwin 3 Rounds #95 + 8 Man Makers #35 RX
    Phillip 4 Rounds #95 + Man Makers #35 RX
    Matt F. 4 rounds #95 + 5 Man Makers #35 RX

    Happy Birthday Cliff!