10 am
Alex C #135, 4,4,4 Thanks Coach Mike!!
Jess B #65, 4,5,4 mod Congrats Coach Mike
Natalie #54 4,4, 5 Congrats Coach “Varney”!! You deserve it! Your passion, humor, and excitement is contagious. <3 tits mcgee!!
Paul S: 4+2 squats @ 185, 2+1 p/c, 4+15 DU @155. Mike, well deserved. Great job. Thanks for your enthusiastic hard work.
Binley 4/ 5 plus 2 pc/ 6 @105
Cecy 5+25/5+25/5+25 @105 and su
Jody alot @125
Cindy 3/4/4+6dl @100
Amanda 5/ 4+4 pc/ 5+50 @45, su
Anna 5+7du/6/4+18du @95
Matt F. 5/2/7 @195 su
Gilbert A.5rds B.5 C.5 135#
krista a:4rds b:5rds c:3rds
Linnie A: 5rds+1 B:4rds+2PC C:4+6DL @ #155
Jason 3rds; 3rds 4 PC; 3 rds 15 su @ 95
Jamie: a-6+2fs b-7+4pc c-6+2dl SU #85
Steven S. A:2rds/B:3rds/C:3rds & 6DL rx
CASEY 6+1FS / 5+2PC / 5+10DU (85LBS)
Chris- 6/7/7/ singles #55
Perla- 6,6,6 singles #35
Cristina – 7/7/7 singles
A Pula 4+9/4+8/4+2 90/85
Russell 4/4/4
Taryn 6/6/6 singles 65#
Frank B:145lbs 4/4/5rds
Great WOD Mike!
Coach Mike is awesome!!! Love, 9am
10 am
Alex C #135, 4,4,4 Thanks Coach Mike!!
Jess B #65, 4,5,4 mod Congrats Coach Mike
Natalie #54 4,4, 5 Congrats Coach “Varney”!! You deserve it! Your passion, humor, and excitement is contagious. <3 tits mcgee!!
Paul S: 4+2 squats @ 185, 2+1 p/c, 4+15 DU @155. Mike, well deserved. Great job. Thanks for your enthusiastic hard work.
Brian 135# 3,4,3
Marcos 115# 5,4,4
Chad 135# 5+1, 6+1, 185# 4+3
Nicole 65# 4 1/2, 5, 85#4 1/2
Craig 165# 4, 4+2, 235# 3+1
Bryant 155# 4,4 225# 4
Andrea 55# 5, 65# 4+4pc, 85# 3+2dl
JD 6+2 du rx, 4+4pc, 3+1 bur subbed 10 burpees for du for last two rds
Perea rx 6, 3+1 pc, 4+4du
Joyce 3+4du rx, 145# 4, rx 4+2 du
Alexa/25#/rx double unders/5 rds each AMPRAP
Binley 4/ 5 plus 2 pc/ 6 @105
Cecy 5+25/5+25/5+25 @105 and su
Jody alot @125
Cindy 3/4/4+6dl @100
Amanda 5/ 4+4 pc/ 5+50 @45, su
Anna 5+7du/6/4+18du @95
Matt F. 5/2/7 @195 su
Austin 5@185/2@205/4@205
Emmitt 3/4/3+6du @135
Iliana 5/4/6 @ 75
Jackie 3+18du/4+12du/4 @75
Jennifer 4/3+4pc/3+6dl @75
Joe H. 4/4+4pc/4+6dl @195
Rachel 5+2fs/6/6+4dl @100
Lamarre 6/4+1pc/4+2dl @205
Anna L. 6/5+31single/4 @75
Luis 4/2/3 rx
Brandon 5/2/6+2dl @205
Kristen 6+2fs/6+3pc/6+7single @65
Berny 4/3+11du/4+6dl @175
Jessica 5/5/5 @105
Johanna 4/4+1pc/5 @45
Kevin 4/5/4 @135
Kristen 4+2fs/4+4pc/4 @75
Luis 4/4/4 @155/135
Ruthie 4+15su/6/5+14du @75
Tara 5/3+4pc/3+2du @125
Todd 4/2/4+1dl rx
Edwin 3/2+/6 @155