Monday 11-9-15

13 Responses

  1. 9ners

    CASEY 12:31 RX
    Monica 10:00 35#,4bur
    Joyce 6:54 RX
    Anna S 6:55 RX
    Olga 11:54 45#,4bur
    Ed 11:54 RX
    Nina 10:55 45#,4bur
    Abe 13:41 RX
    Christine 8:51 35#,4bur
    Cari 12:51 35#
    Frank 13:50 MOD
    Margurite 7:52 25#,Mod
    Chris ???
    Erin 7:55 45#
    Andy 13:18 75#
    Andrea 11:55 55#
    CC 13:40 55#
    Nick 14:47 3bur

  2. 4 pm

    Mike G 14:10 65#
    Stephanie G 12:58 15#
    Amanda 11:57 45#
    Brendan 13:40 45#
    Ashley 10:something rx
    Viv 7:32 back squats 45#
    Tara 14:58 45#
    Donnie 12:50 rx
    Jason 10:44 75#
    Joe H 6:40 mod

  3. 5pm
    Wyatt’s B-day WOD
    Bryan/Wyatt/Josh= 34:35 RX
    Cindy/Jodie= 23:00 RX
    Francine/Rosie= 38:30
    Gloria/Nicole= 27:25
    Mark B/ John= 29:30
    Matthew R/ Schwabie= 31:40 RX
    Melissa/Patricia/Susanne= 39:00
    Kat/Dugas= 38:30

    200M Relay Run x2
    43 Burpee to Air Squats
    43 HSPU
    7 Rounds
    11 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75
    11 Push Press
    43 pull ups
    43 Bupree to Air Squats
    200m Relay run x2

    Happy Birthday Wyatt!!!!!!!!!!! We Love you! Thanks for being apart of our CFRC family =) you are always brining awesome energy to the gym! 43 never looked better!!!!! – ash

  4. 6pm
    Victor= 15:36 Mod
    Jessica p= 13:38 #55
    Jackie= 13:52 #50
    Leslie= 12:48 #45
    Leo= 17:37 #75
    Luis= 11:00 #75
    Manny= 7:29 RX
    Berny= 14:55 RX
    Bobby= 19:57 #75 (good job on your first class!!!)

  5. Hey guys just an update on the DU challenge. We are doing great! In just two weeks we are almost at 10,000!!! Remember ANY little bit counts……. so Please keep it up!! As of today 11/9 we have 6,447. We have 43,553 Till we reach our goal. i know that seems like a lot but if everyone does at least 50 a day… we can make this happen!!!!! keep working together! you guys are the bomb. *does dance* – ash

  6. 7pm
    Jessica F= 17:46 RX
    Guzman= 9:37 RX
    Kourie= 12:45 #55
    Tracy= 17:42 #40
    Nicole S= 14:43 RX
    Sarab= 9:59 #75
    Josh= 19:00 #75
    Joy= 20:44 #55
    Matt K= =)
    Refael= 16:00 #75
    Alex= 16:59 #35
    Sylvia= 16:45 #35
    johanna=14:44 #55
    iliana= 14:54 #55
    Madeline= 12:54 RX
    yvonne= 17:00 #45
    Michelle= 19:30 #35
    Keneke= 15:32 #75
    Brett= 19:52 RX