Monday 11-23-15

8 Responses

  1. 9AM
    Maynard 21:27 mod
    Lex up to 2 jerks @ 20:00 (#45lbs)
    Frank ?
    Shelby 21:33 finished all burpees/mod
    Margie 21:16 mod
    Andrea 32:46 ALL/mod
    Nancy 29:00 mod
    Krista 23:06 up to 30 burpees/ mod
    Abe 27:20 up to 10 cleans/mod
    Nick 34:00 ALL/mod
    Jason 27:00 ALL/mod
    Lily (half of everything) mod
    Nina up to 20 cleans/mod
    Gaby powerlifting
    Celia powerlifting

  2. 3pm
    Brian= 30:50
    Vic= 27:55
    Kendra= 22:27
    Viv= 20:32
    Laura= 1 + 120 reps

    Rosie= 23:35
    Donna= 24:29
    Kayla= 24:40
    jesse= 25:00
    JD= 23:34 RX
    Scott= + 1 Jerk at the 20min mark
    Matthew= + 17 Cleans

  3. 6pm
    Jackie= 26:21
    Dominique= 29:00
    Jessika= 28:30
    Leo= 31:45
    Luids b= 33:20 RX
    Johanna= 30:48
    Bobby= 33:15
    Ruthie= 32:00
    Iliana= 29:30
    Leslie= 28:20

  4. 7pm
    Gerry: 35:00 Mod
    Joy: 28:43 Mod
    Yvonne: 31:00 Mod
    Michelle: 29:10 mod
    Lou: 8 cleans mod
    James: 10 cleans mod
    Joshua: 5 cleans mod
    Luis O: 35:35 mod
    Bryant: 7 cleans
    Joe: 22 burpees
    Trent: 35:50 mod
    Brett: 33:48 mod
    Madeline: 29:04 mod
    Great job everyone!!!!