M Lee: 30:32 Low target 10#
Chris C: 16# 25:30
Cliff: 23:27 rx 30lbs wb
John Kay: 27:30 rx 16lbs wb
Nina: 26:16 10#
Schwaby 19:22 rx
Corey 22:29 rx
Bri 25:11 6#
Edwin worst time of the day 33:10 rx smh
Bob K: 28:02 RX (finally) PR!
phillip 19:55Rx
Edwin you did good and we all know you push hard. Plus, you didn’t see my time….
1 mile run, subbed 45# thrusters in lieu of wallballs….sorry coach dog ate my wallball, 25,20,15,10,5 with 400m run in between each round 20:14, cash out 1 mile run from home
Jonathan Martinez: 12×2 @115# w/Chains, 5,4,3,2,1= 135#-200#
Jonathan Martinez: 20:15 RX, C/O: 9:38
ketelsleger: 19min 20lb ball
Meagann 22:12 RX c/o team annie w/ autumn 9:57
Sergio 21:23 16,c/o 9:38
Autumn 22:34 14# ball
Jamie B-day WOD:
45 burpees
45 situp
45 pullups
45 box jumps
400 meter run
45 kettle bell swings 1 pood
45 double unders
45 wall ball
45 burpee
Jamie-27:12 blu, step-up
Brittani- 31:09 blu
Monica 25:00 10#/9ft
Margie w/b #10 22:22
Chris c. #6 27:33
Peggie 28:51 push press 25 lbs rowing
Susan 31:150 #4 wallball
CASEY 24:23 (10LBS/9FT)
ricky 26:13 14lbs
Peyton 25:09 RX
JOSH 20:45
Jeff – 26:55 RX 2nd targett
ron 32:05 RX
Happy Birthday Jamie!!!!
Thx for sharing your bday WOD with me 😉
Ashleigh 26:05 (14#)
Joyce 26:21
Mike C. 17:26
Craig G 19:34
Sotro 18:03
LaMarre 17:17 Rx
Carrie 21:14 9/10#
Leslie J 24:15 10 #
Tom 23:16 #16
Natalie 10# dnt worry about it- i finished 😉
mehdi rx 28:14
Jamie 28:46rx
Mike F 24:30rx
jason c. 20# 23:00
Ari 27:38 10#
JD 18:52 rx
Berny 34:30 #16
Mike. L 17:52 RX
Erik R: 25:04 #16
Kristine 22:10 #10
Jackie h: 25:45 #14
joe 24:20 #15
Gaby 26:54 14#
M Madden 25:54 #16
Heidi 27:40 Sub wall balls w/ Burpees
raquel o. 29:45 #10
brenda r: 26:55 6#
Toni 26:25 #10
Liz C.: 29:44 10#
drew 34:00 rx+
Melissa: 31:40 10#
M Lee: 30:32 Low target 10#
Chris C: 16# 25:30
Cliff: 23:27 rx 30lbs wb
John Kay: 27:30 rx 16lbs wb
Nina: 26:16 10#
Schwaby 19:22 rx
Corey 22:29 rx
Bri 25:11 6#
Edwin worst time of the day 33:10 rx smh
Bob K: 28:02 RX (finally) PR!
phillip 19:55Rx
Edwin you did good and we all know you push hard. Plus, you didn’t see my time….
1 mile run, subbed 45# thrusters in lieu of wallballs….sorry coach dog ate my wallball, 25,20,15,10,5 with 400m run in between each round 20:14, cash out 1 mile run from home