5 x 260
5 x 305
8 x 360
(Forgot that it was three reps and did 5. Also, paused after each rep instead of the slight bounce you’d get with a touch and go)
Completed bent over rows.
Will do when I get to the gym
Will do later
Just a quick note guys… Remember if you’re doing the edge stuff, your percentages on the DL, squat, press or bench press is based off your “Training Max (TM)”.
Also, when doing the deadlifts, since we’re looking at building “absolute strength”, and not necessarily going for rebounding speed (like you would in a WOD), try to stop after each rep for a split second (always leaving the hands on the bar though), but making sure there is zero bounce for each rep. We will go back to Touch n go at a later time
michelle 25
Sergio 16:47 rx/rx/16
brenda 24:00 #65
Danielle 24:03 #65
Maggie 21:00 35#
5 x 260
5 x 305
8 x 360
(Forgot that it was three reps and did 5. Also, paused after each rep instead of the slight bounce you’d get with a touch and go)
Completed bent over rows.
Will do when I get to the gym
Will do later
Just a quick note guys… Remember if you’re doing the edge stuff, your percentages on the DL, squat, press or bench press is based off your “Training Max (TM)”.
Also, when doing the deadlifts, since we’re looking at building “absolute strength”, and not necessarily going for rebounding speed (like you would in a WOD), try to stop after each rep for a split second (always leaving the hands on the bar though), but making sure there is zero bounce for each rep. We will go back to Touch n go at a later time
Jenn G.
1. 165#
2. 3×210# ran out of time
Class Wod 11:46rx
Wes 5:31rx
Chris O 12:57 205#
Drew 12:48 185#
Drea 13:02 105#
Bobby 13:46 rx
Fire fighter Dan Mielke 6:32 rx
Joyce 11:53 rx
Lexi 7:46 35#
3 pm
Drew 19:15 rx
Jenn G 11:46 rx
A. 205
B. 3@305, 3@350, 7@395
C.1 complete@145
C.2 complete@70
Andrea 13:02 #105
Mike V – 6:38 rx
Dave A – 6:41 rx
Erin – 9:59 rx
Anthony – 5:53 rx
Jess – 12:40 135#
Dylan – 9:58 rx
Dulio – 15:58 205#
Richard – 15:00 rx
JD – 8:45 rx
Duane – 14:42 175#
Ryan – 12;55 rx
Dan – 13:48 205#
Nick – 24:40
Corey – 11:55 rxc
Mike C – 7:52 rx
Daniella – 10:50 65#
Aubrey – 13:39 120#
Jenn – 12:59 105#
Gaby – 15;00 125#
Luis – 15:37 155#
Dhanira – 15:58 105#
Todd – 17:22 rx
Berny – 19:51 rx
Hadef – 19:20 135#
Ali – 21:15 135#
Owais – 20:07 145#
Dugas – 11:35 rx
Perea – 11;55 rx
Tara – 19:38 135#
Jordan – 15;41 rx
Chris – 16:58 155#
Class WOD
13:39 10#WB, 120#DL
1) 85#
2) 110#, 130#, 145#
1A) 50#
#185 hang pc
#265×3/#280×3/#315 dl x 6
#105 bent over rows
#70 reverse hypers