Monday 01-07-13

16 Responses

  1. Milk

    Hey Matt…sorry for the late response. But to answer your question…that number represents a Tempo…

    First digit (the 2)…is always the decent portion of the lift (2 seconds to go down)

    Second digit (the 1)…is the pause at the bottom (1 second pause)

    Third digit (the x)…is the speed at which you ascend.. (x meaning xplode up)

    Fourth digit (the 0)…is the pause at the top..(0 seconds…or not at all)

    all these numbers can and will change according to what effect I want you to have…but the order will never change.

    make sense?

  2. Coach Mike V

    Natalie: 52:51 strict pu (blue rd 1/ green 2-3)
    manuel: 53:12 rx
    Mike L. 47:07 rx
    Cameron 47:38 (high K strict) K2E 3 rds
    Anthony 49:22 RX
    Jamie 59:36rx!!! 1st L-pull up wod rx!

  3. Coach Mike V

    Schwaby 33:54rx
    Kelsy “Loredo” 42:42rx
    binley 45:43 strict red band pull ups
    misty 41:42 blu/grn strict

  4. Coach Mike V

    Jessica – 36:08 (1/2 reps, green band, high knees)
    Ricky 40:45
    Heidi 45:35 Blue Band/ High Knees
    Eric Guzman 40:14 strick, HK
    Joe A 43:10 grn band, K2B
    Dugas: 36:40
    Mark M: 45:58 Grn Band / K2B
    LaMarre 36:05 RX

  5. Coach Dave A.

    Ari 39:46 blue band, high knees
    Strength @35# bench press and row; new 1RM @870#
    Dugas: 36:40 RX, Strength @ bench 135, row 95. New 1RM bench at 195.

    700 class
    ChrisC: Ring PU, WB #30 SU, 45:00
    Cliff: 48:59 RX
    Tyler:41:40 strict pu
    Liz C: 48:30 grn band, high knees