Friday 12-11-15

8 Responses

  1. Brad Green

    Couldn’t pass up a WOD honoring DJ Lucky “Rich Froning” Lou!


    Going to try to make my way out back west in the Spring! Will definitely drop in to see you all!

    Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!


  2. 9AM
    Lamarre 155/row
    Geraldine 13:58 35# double
    Kailen 11:05 115
    Julie 11:41 65
    Frank 11:30 155
    Ruthie 9:54 70
    Andrea 85
    Olga 10:34 75
    Margie 55
    Peyton 75/row
    Casey 80
    Viv 9:03 65
    Chelsea 12:20 45# double

    Peggie 10:01 mod
    Joe H 9:22 RX
    Lou 13:12 155
    Racheal 12:45 95
    Monica 13:00 65
    Alex 16:05 85

  3. 5pm
    John= 11:00 RX
    Lexi= 9:30
    Bobby= 8:43 RX
    Jessika= other WOD
    Martin= 9:58 ?RX

    Joy= 11:06 #75
    Leo= 9:18 #125
    Trent= 11:09 #155
    Luis B= 9:42 RX
    Luis= 9:23

    Jessika= 15lb PR on her split jerk!!!!!!! 140 =)