Emmanuel February 6, 2014 at 4:52 pm Empty 3pm class 15 DL 225# 30 T2B 15 wall ball 20# 30 burpee box jump over 15 shoulder to overhead 135# 30 DU 15 KB swing 2pood 30 pull ups 15 ring dips 30 walking lunge 45# 15 HSPU 30 back squat 135# 22:14
Empty 3pm class
15 DL 225#
30 T2B
15 wall ball 20#
30 burpee box jump over
15 shoulder to overhead 135#
30 DU
15 KB swing 2pood
30 pull ups
15 ring dips
30 walking lunge 45#
30 back squat 135#