Meagann 135# 78 Burpees
Gaby 145# 78 burpees
Rich P. #225/ 60 burp
ron 185# 67 burpees
Love the photo and I had a blast getting to know everyone better on the hike! I learned that I’ve known Jamie’s husband for a while, but had no clue they were married. I learned that Joe started with CFRC because of a cool bootcamp Nancy and Erik put on for SCE. and I learned that Erin and I are both mixed breeds 😉 What a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving – working out, bonding, and finding even more reasons to be thankful for CFRC!
Coach Nick's Class
11:00 AM
Dugas #155 69 burpes
4 PM
Erik R: 135lb 77x
trevor W:225,245 and 78burpees
Joyce #145 and 78 burpees
ricky #135 72 burpees
Chelsea: 75# 48 burpees
Brenda: 75# 51burpees
Gerry #250 67 burpees
Mike C.
Mike C. #185-215 117burpees
Anna P
Anna P
61 burpees @home
Coach JD
Jackie H: 375 wod 72
jason c: 165# 95
Bob K: 115# 73 w/ 12″ jump
austin c: 82 burpee
Manuel G: 155# 99
Ryan M: 185 / 83
Joe A: 75#, 50
jODIE BS 150# 90 rx
Todd W. 85 burpee’s
Mike F 165#, 92
Ana P 115# 71 in 7 min. totally caught up with burpees
Sergio 195# 71 burpees
Matt A 200# 84
Awesome pic!
225#, 106 burpees
Meagann 135# 78 Burpees
Gaby 145# 78 burpees
Rich P. #225/ 60 burp
ron 185# 67 burpees
Love the photo and I had a blast getting to know everyone better on the hike! I learned that I’ve known Jamie’s husband for a while, but had no clue they were married. I learned that Joe started with CFRC because of a cool bootcamp Nancy and Erik put on for SCE. and I learned that Erin and I are both mixed breeds 😉 What a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving – working out, bonding, and finding even more reasons to be thankful for CFRC!
11:00 AM
Dugas #155 69 burpes
4 PM
Erik R: 135lb 77x
trevor W:225,245 and 78burpees
Joyce #145 and 78 burpees
ricky #135 72 burpees
Chelsea: 75# 48 burpees
Brenda: 75# 51burpees
Gerry #250 67 burpees
Mike C. #185-215 117burpees
Anna P
61 burpees @home
Jackie H: 375 wod 72
jason c: 165# 95
Bob K: 115# 73 w/ 12″ jump
austin c: 82 burpee
Manuel G: 155# 99
Ryan M: 185 / 83
Joe A: 75#, 50
jODIE BS 150# 90 rx
Todd W. 85 burpee’s
Mike F 165#, 92
Erik where is 10:00?
Liz C: 85# Backsquat, 61 burpees
Jordan C: #100/95, 75 burpees
Eric Guzman: 185#, 75 burpees
Sagie #90 + 58 burpees 🙂
Nina: #115
Cliff: #275; 72 burpees
Todd P. #300 85 burpees
Berny: 125/135/145/155 54 burpees
235# 104 of the greatest feeling burpees ever!! Thanks coach Dan for trying to help me fix my squat!!! I need it!!!