Tuesday 11-10-15

15 Responses

  1. 9ners

    CASEY 11:41 RX
    Abe 12:56 rx
    Nina 14:43 orange/blue
    Nick 14:03 rx
    Cindy 12:26 rx
    Cari 15:44 red
    Frank 11:45 rx
    Maynard 10:53 rx
    Alex 13:03 rx
    Christian 19:11 green
    Joyce 11:08 rx
    Peyton 17:03 1 legged
    Anna L. 15:21 preggo white/blue

  2. 5pm
    Scott= 10 Something RX
    Wes= 8:20 RX
    “Kayla”= 14:41 Mod
    Ruthie= 14:30

    Dugas B-day WOD
    Brenda= 30:38
    Luis B= =)
    Dhanira= DNF because she’s going to pick up her puppy <3
    John= 28:52
    Josh= 32:00
    DUGASSSS= 43:59 RX
    Melissa= 30:32
    Ryan= Mod
    Stephanie= 31:18
    Viv= =)
    Nicole S=29:20
    Corey= 35:34 RX
    Bernie= 44:45

    11 Pull ups
    32 KBS
    32 DL @ Bodyweight
    11 pull ups
    1983 M row
    11 pull ups
    32 Backsquats @ BW
    32 WB
    11 Pull ups
    12 Muscle ups
    12 P Cleans @ BW

    Happy B-day Dugas!!!!! we love you!! thanks for being so caring to all our members! we really appreciate you!!!! we hope you have a awesome birthday and have a drink for ALL of us… thats about 200+ drinks lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

  3. 7pm
    Alex= 15:27 Grn
    Iliana= 15:35 RX
    Jessica A= 15:04 Red
    Josh= 12:50 Grn
    Joy= 14:33 Grn/blu
    Julie=15:00 Blu
    Sarab= 13:40 RX
    Tracy= 13:46 Blu
    Trent= 14:34 RX
    Johanna= 16:00 Blu
    Gaby 12:30 RX

  4. 8pm
    Lou= 12:20 RX
    Ryan= 10:50
    Erika= 16:18 Red
    Brett= 11:53 RX
    Madeline= 12:58 Blu/red
    Gerry= 15:57 Grn
    Luis o= 15:40 RR
    Refael=13:28 Orange
    Leti= 16:38 RR
    Sarna= 11:15 RX (first RX… good job on your pull ups)
    Yvoinne= 13:07 Red/Blu
    Michelle= 15:29 Red/blu