Francine= 16:01 #35
Jessica P= 13:25 RR/#85
John= 10:16 RX
Josh= 12:40 RX
Leo= 11:25 #185
Lily= 14:44 #125
Matthew R= 10:00 RX
Michael= 15:05 #155/ Green
Rosie= 14:02 #35
Stephanie= Amazingly Fast
Susanne= 15:02 #85/green
Victor= 16:10 #155
Sal= idkkkkkk B**ch =P
Kat= 13:37 105/blu
Louie= 11:45 RX
Dugas= 12:25 RX
We had two awesome drop ins from Brazil! and they did great on this WOD, they said they heard about our gym… we are world wide guys!!!
Anuar= 16:00 #175/ Green
Muhamad= 14:10 #175/ Green
Trevor 16:21 RX
Monica 13:28 95/grn
Abe 13:15 RX
Nina 13:19 85/blu
Anna L 14:21 65/blu
Cari 18:00 90#sledpull/blu
Olga 12:51 125/red
Margie 12:51 85/RR
CC 16:27 RX
Chris 15:40 85/grn
Cindy 14:51 90#Sledpull
Nick 14:55 RX
Alex 15:24 RX
Randy 9:39 RX
Bobby 7:54 RX
Peggie 14:07 65/grn
Peyton 13:17 45# seated good morning
Jess V 14:20 RX
Mike V 8:17 RX
Mike L 7:27 RX
Joe H 8:28 RX
Lucky Lou 13:22 205
3 pm
Scott 8:45 rx
Dave A 6:53rx
Drea 14:30 115#
Nicole 13:15 105#
Amanda 12:24 1153
Soraya 12:43 95#
Holly 14:02 115#
4 PM
Steve M Modified
Craig 13:44 rx
Brenda 12:46 55#
Bryan 9:55 155#
Wyatt 12:15 rx
Viv 11:17 114#
Patric 12:20 12:20 ring row, 65#
Matt F 8:27rx
Francine= 16:01 #35
Jessica P= 13:25 RR/#85
John= 10:16 RX
Josh= 12:40 RX
Leo= 11:25 #185
Lily= 14:44 #125
Matthew R= 10:00 RX
Michael= 15:05 #155/ Green
Rosie= 14:02 #35
Stephanie= Amazingly Fast
Susanne= 15:02 #85/green
Victor= 16:10 #155
Sal= idkkkkkk B**ch =P
Kat= 13:37 105/blu
Louie= 11:45 RX
Dugas= 12:25 RX
We had two awesome drop ins from Brazil! and they did great on this WOD, they said they heard about our gym… we are world wide guys!!!
Anuar= 16:00 #175/ Green
Muhamad= 14:10 #175/ Green
Luis= 10:04 RX
Gloria= 13:20 #75
Nicole S= 11:22 RX
Jennifer=14:04 #115
Bailey= 11:26 #135
Amanda= 11:03 #65
Ryan= 13:23 #135
Brett= 10:32 #185
Guzman= 12:58 RX
iliana= 15:09 #85/red
Joseph= 13:04 #205
Josh= 14:57 #165
Joy= 13:03 RR/#95
Kourie=12:17 #85/green
Mike C= 7:35 RX
Nick= 13:02 #75
Patricia= 13:11 #85/ Green/red
Rafael= 16:00 #135 (his butterfly PU are looking good! good job)
Sarab= 11:03 #185
Tracy= 12:37 #85/ green
Trent= 13:18 #205
Johanna= 11:51 #85
Shelly 8:55 rx
JD – 6:54 rx